OK enough with the handbags. We have had a lot of feedback regarding opening the event up and in response it wont happen.
We will keep it closed to the Gold Coast.
OK enough with the handbags. We have had a lot of feedback regarding opening the event up and in response it wont happen.
We will keep it closed to the Gold Coast.
God... next thing you will complain about a broken nail…
That’s all well and good to say you want more than two of the Association Team members there but I think along with children, STUDIES and the likes people find that other stuff in there life more important and mean more to them then playing off for a couple of hundred dollars and a shirt you will never wear…
Masters and the likes are dying just as fast as the rest of the sport…
At the end of the day to win a GC Masters, Brisbane masters or even a State Masters mean **** all anymore... as you’re really only beating a hand full of people and they are won over a sprint these days…
These events lost their prestige years ago…They are attractive to no one…And to make them Compulsory makes them even less attractive…
To ram it down someone’s throat doesn’t make it anymore prestige now does it…
Hey Shinnie,
Just a quick question - Is this tournament handicap??? :rofl:
I'll gladly bowl if so. 100% of 220 would be nice.
Mr Handicap/ASSistant MANager
lol whats wrong with my mt warren average?
im sure there would be a rule applied there must be a minimum of 9 or 12 games or whatever to qualify that average
and on the topic of attractiveness of the masters tournaments, how can we make them more attractive? do we offer better formats, more cash payout, or a 10 day cruise around the pacific islands.
the way i see it, if your keen on making the association team, then you should be bowling in the masters. be proud gold coasters!