Will you be going to the Nationals @ $30 a pop?

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
It seems such a shame that the Nationals which used to be for everyone are now becoming the domain of the well heeled bowler.
I'm hearing more and more the comment ' too rich for me'. And even 'I wouldn't pay that if it was bowled in my home centre.'

Unfortunately because of the way TBA has structured itself it is left with no alternative other than raising revenue by indirect taxation.
As Peter has pointed out, there is no direct bowler income, so even a hypothetical influx of say 10000 new bowlers tomorrow would not give TBA one extra dollar.
Why ?
Because Registration fees for centres bear no relationship to the number of bowlers joining that local Association.
Therefore TBA has to investigate alternative ways to create revenue.
Looking at the cost of this years entry fees, it certainly appears to have found one.
Andrew S,

FYI, the 2003 Adult Nationals at Townsville require a minimum of 2100 entries @ $30.00 just to break even.

Historically, entries have been no more than 2500 and while in a capital city. Therefore, TBA have budgeted on a lesser amount.

An entry is defined as a 3-game block in singles, doubles or teams. A team entry counts as 5 entries and a doubles entry as 2.

the answer is no

and its not $30 a pop, add on all your expenses and divide it by the number of games you bowl, thats the true cost

its more like $75 to $100 a game for me
Must be a lot of expenses there Peter, bet thats one breakdown we don't see too quickly!
Still, we wouldn't want the administration staying in a back- packer would we?
FYI, I'm flying on FFP just to cut costs. None of the other Tournament Team members have sufficient points to do this and in reality why should they donate them like this?

Tournament Team is staying at Mercure Inn with most of the other De Veer and Rachuig teams as the backpacker hostel was booked out.
Nationals at $30 a pop

$30 an event - is a price - how many events you bowl is just a decision you make - IF you go, is also another decision a bowler makes - Think about it. Going to the Nationals is to an enormous lot of bowlers a really exciting event. This is the National TOurnament of the sport we all love! If you win at the Nationals YOU are the best in Australia in that classification. The extra events that are bowled The Masters and the State Versus State are all very exciting events FOR TENPIN BOWLING FANS. Whether your Nationals is Seniors, Adult, Youth, Junior or Bowlers with a Disability.

I still see bowlers from other states meeting up - old friends - at the Nationals. This is the sports opportunity to get the league bowler to go every year.

I go to Nationals for very different reasons now than I did in the past - In the past I went to the Nationals the first time because it was held in Queensland and at that Nationals I met a great deal of nice people from Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and I guess from New South Wales too (HA). We arranged to meet - our group of 8 - 12 and their group of 12- 15 - We booked accommodation together in Tasmania and saw each other each year - played cards and went sight seeing when we were not bowling.

Going to the Nationals was more than how much you pay for the event - It was my annual Tenpin Holiday when I met up with friends. Bottom line it is worth going. I have been to 24 Nationals - I was going well before I was involved in Rachuig. I have been to 3 Junior Nationals.

There should be posters up in every Centre letting people know that ANYONE can bowl in the Nationals - I am still amazed that league bowlers do not know about the Nationals! League bowlers should be able to tap onto a Sport holiday package which includes all events accommodation and sitseeing.

I know Andrew you are saying that you believe the Nationals are costly - but would more people go ? if the costs of the events were $20 per event? How many more people would go if it were 20 - or 25 dollars? I do not think that paying more for participating each event has people not go to the Nationals, just changes how many events they budget for!

What do people think?

Yet you pay $260 - $300 to bowl 12 - 16 games in a Super 6 Event compared to $30 for 3 games at the nationals.

You do the maths, or do you need a calculator?
The super 6 tourneys pay out over 100% of the entry fees in prize fund.
The Nationals are paying less than 25% of entry fee in prize fund.

Don't need a calculator to work that one out - then again, I'm not a kiwi.... :lol:
Will you go to the Nationals @ 30 a pop

The Super six do not run for 2 weeks - have to organise and coordinate more volunteers over a greater timetable - put through many hundreds of bowlers - send out timetables and adjust these timetables countless times as each individuals time schedule changes - I know how much work running a tournament is - ask any committee volunteer who runs Championships - then multiply things by ten. How many mailings are required to confirm and then to send results. Then the most exciting thing of all - you never know if you will be able to cover your costs at any stage because you never know how many people are going to come!!!! That is the most exciting one of all.

I am not saying all the breakdown is exactly correct - what I am saying is it is a lot of work - I coordinate the Pan Pacific Games on the Gold Coast every two years and the team of volunteer people that come out to assist me are incredible = I am amazed at how efficient and how much work there is to run an event - we get 100 - 150 bowlers who are 35 years old and older.

Pan Pacific Games people (formerly ASPAC) charged $60 administration fees per person - they put on entertainment and signage - the better able the tournament organisers were through their estimated budget the better the services and planning.

Lets just go to the Nationals bowl well - get some National titles meet our good friends - play cards, sightsee and have a little drink - sounds likea great holiday to me.

Best wishes
Gail Torrens
I coordinate the Pan Pacific Games on the Gold Coast every two years and the team of volunteer people that come out to assist me are incredible

You mean you don't fly in a tournament team Gail?
Already paid for Sallys entries, booked & paid for our airfares and paid a deposit for our accom, this is for 4 people. I always said that after Sally finished juniors we would go on a proper family holiday without bowling balls but it looks like our holiday is in Townsville this year. I wonder where it will be next year. We do this because she loves her bowling & we love watching her bowl, its like any sport you pay the cost(especially for a National event). If you are going to winge find another sport. It's always been a great way of seeing our country because we would not have gone to half the places we have been if we wern't going for bowling & you also meet some great people.

why do aussies always deride kiwis? are you that insecure?
he was just stating his opinion on the cost of bowling nationals

i have bowled NZ nationals too and let me tell you the way they organised it and ran it was more professional than any nationals i ever bowled here
If you only bowl for the money, then you are bowling for the wrong reasons, unless you are a full time amateur. Last time I checked bowling was a sport, that you do for fun.
i know this maybe sound a little funny

but to pay $30 to have a chance @ being an australian champion is quite cheap

just like paying $10 for a lotto ticket to have a million dollars
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