Well-Known Member
Maybe the subject of shoe squeaking will pale into insignificance with the announcement from AMF re cancellation of NSW Grand Prix series - especially the Youth sector. Probably less ranked tournaments at a State level, smaller prize funds and larger entry fees to cover shortfalls in AMF sponsorship (and most likely also in private sponsorship!) Hopefully, the existing money put into our sport can be channelled into a compact system - interesting times ahead especially for the elite in our sport.

IDEAS!!!!!!!! Smaller and cheaper local events with ENTRY into major events being the No. 1 prize - airfares included - remember the 'OLD' days!! South Pacific qualifying (probably cost more than the Entry into the major tourn.!!!!) Too hard basket nowdays.....let's get the thinking caps on and work out ways around the upcoming problems we will most likely experience.

My understanding of how an accredited process works...

A centre creates an event/format/prize fund etc,
A centre applies to TBA for accreditation, where they must lay down a condition and set rules/guidelines to match those set by TBA.

Is it AMF or TBA that is pulling the events?

If it is AMF, can we just get an independant centre to run a tourney? (not that there is many private centres still running)

I am sure that there are a few centres even down in Victoria that would be more than happy to accommodate 2-3 full days of bowling.

Any other observations?
My understanding of the whole thing, is that AMF have been running the events, and putting a generous amount of sponsorship into them (and in some instances covering the "promised" sponsorship that never eventuates)

Instead of continuing to operate at a sometimes major loss for these events, they have been cancelled and one major event being planned towards the end of the year for both adult and youth bowlers.
Well, I believe that companies are more interested in return for their money, and so they should be. But I think that AMF or should we say MLE is now controlling the sport of tenpin bowling in this country. When you have a company that says” Negotiations are currently underway with TBA in an effort to obtain “double” ratings points for these future events. “ Why is it up to them, surely TBA could put out a proposal to other centres, and get the independents to put up their hands and run an event as Orange already has.

This statement reminds me of a throw away line once used by a prime minister not so many years ago that all would not have heard it “No child will live in poverty in the year……” still waiting. See the resemblance. “All bowlers can be assured that AMF and Macquarie Leisure are committed to the development and progression of the sport at all levels – Junior, Youth, Adult and Senior and as such will be conducting various major events throughout Australia during 2006.”

Do they yet have a plan or are they just saying it, to make bowlers sit back and say it will get better. Why because they say so……….
It would be good for AMF and MLE to make there mind up and make solid plans for 2006 so that bowlers throughout the country know where they actual stand.

MLE taking over AMF was ment to be a good thing, but all I have seen is bad thing, like the pulling of these ranked events and the Grand Prix
My fear is that the Super 6 is next to follow....

what we need is to have these tournaments run by an independant body. If AMF/MLE still wish to support it, then that is great, but the future of tournament bowling in this country (which has been on a great track until now) should not rest completly in the hands of a major investment corporation.

I agree though as suggested before that some independant centres need to step up to the plate and offer some tournaments for both Adult and Youth bowlers to participate in.

Come on guys, let's see just how committed to the sport you really are!
There has to be a way to get an independant tourn... off the ground with National Rankings Points,

Thsi is where every bowler that is bowling through and through so put their heads together and work out a way of doing this.

Calling on all the independant centres to help and keep Ten Pin Bowling a sport to be proud of in australia...... We don't want to lose all of our good bowlers to overseas tourns...... Now do we
from what i have heard.... the super six maybe a super 7 or even 8? with Brunswick Australia Cup and maybe one other event to maybe come in? since AMF/MLE own Bowl Australia now...... dont know if this is ture or not...

Simple question that probably has a simple answer but how can they be losing out so much? Penrith Youth Cup had 52 entries at $130 each, and they even increased some payouts above what was advertised on the entry form. So whats the major expense in running one of these tournaments and if they are losing out so much why would they increase prize money?
Chips said:
Simple question that probably has a simple answer but how can they be losing out so much? Penrith Youth Cup had 52 entries at $130 each, and they even increased some payouts above what was advertised on the entry form. So whats the major expense in running one of these tournaments and if they are losing out so much why would they increase prize money?

Theres a simple way of working it out - do the sums.

Add up the prizefund.
Then add up the total entry fees received.
Then take out the game fees ({number of qualifiers x qualifying games} + {number of finalists x number of finals games} x {game rate - $4.50 ?}).

The difference between the prizefund given out and total entry fees minus game fees is the amount of "sponsorship" that the organisers either expected or calculated. For a majority of AMF tournaments run in this country (there are exceptions), AMF wore this "sponsorship" component as their contribution. For example in most Super 6 events - the amount of "sponsorship" given by AMF equalled or exceeded the game fees taken out for two days of competition. It would be when the sponsorship is greater than the game fees taken for the event that the tournament would become operating at a loss.

Without knowing the full details, it is possible that events had been promised sponsorship, and this was not delivered. So this sponsorship was worn by AMF for previous events, but obviously they might not have been prepared to wear these costs for the rest of the events. As Nationally Ranked Tournaments need a certain prize fund for first place to be Nationally Ranked, then this would possibly not be able to be delivered. So the option was to cancel the remaining events. Of course the centres might still hold their events (as Canberra is doing) but without the first place cheque that a Nationally Ranked event might attract. (I havent checked that last statement so it may be incorrect).

Once again, this is only my thoughts on possibilities of why the events were cancelled, and should not be taken as the truth until proven :)
The heart of this sport is the bowling centre, leagues and tournaments....unfortunately the bottom line in this industry ($) has now become the flat line during heart failure. We need to resucitate the industry and sporting community, together, not just let it die.
I'm afraid if you have'nt got sport bowling than you have a fad, and we all know what happens to the latest fad.

Just think back a few years every kid had inline skates, once they learned to use them, than what, they had nowhere else to go, they become bored with them. You rarely see them now.

This is the future of bowling without it's tournaments, I'm sure the skate companies would have lined up to put money into the various tournaments bowling has, be they local championships, State Championships, National Championships. We have it all set up and what happens, someone on a computer works out thier not making as much for a game as a Childs Birthday party. I don't care what anybody say's they make money on all tournaments, it's impossible not to, thats why they started in the first place, not for the bowlers but for the Centre's to make money and fill unused lanes.

So if the story is they are not economically viable, it can only mean they think they can get more for the same lane usage. Because it is impossible to lose, just your average price per game becomes lower.

But what do I know, Roller Hockey is a good chance of getting into the Olympics.

I agree totally with willey. Those lanes being used for a tournament are bringing in money that would probably not be coming in if the tournament wasn't on. I know that there are many costs involved in setting up and running a tournament, but it also helps to raise the profile of the sport. I can't imagine seeing tenpin bowling as just a "social game" just scares me. I know there has been so much effort by many people to get tournament numbers up around the country, and youth was just starting to look promising on a national scale. To cancel these events was rediculous in the first place. Game fees in tournaments are a number and a very tangible number at that. You can't put a number such as $4.50 in place of the future of the sport. So what if AMF only makes $2.50 per game out of it? Ever heard of "economies of scale"? Those costs can usually be covered - call them sunk costs if you like, and it's not going to do much damage to the annual budget over the space of 2-3 days..

Of course independent centres can put on tournaments separate of AMF-MLE and get National Rankings Points. They have to get the accreditation from TBA, put down the required lane condition, and most importantly, get the support from the bowlers... Old saying "you don't know what you've got till it's gone"

Anyway I, like every other bowler out there, want to see this resolved, and don't want to see any more cancellations by MLE. Who knows what will happen next with a new parent company..
My guess at what will happen next is that MLE will take one look at the registration fees being charged to the Centres and say No thank you we don't need it. TBA will then be obliged to reconstruct itself into a membership organisation structured like a properly organised sporting body.
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