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Rob & Chucky Dont Bother Coming

im sorry to say boys that it would b a waste of time you 2 bowling up against me and lisa cos you both know what will happen.

Also Woody i totally agree about not holding Country Cup on the easter weekend because for starters its not right and also Colac isnt a big enough centre to hold such a tournament. Im not bowling in DADS ARMY this year because TEAM DEANO got the scrap after a successful year in Shep.

By the way how is Rhonda "Rotten" Box?

Deano :wink: :shock:
listen here deano :!:

i so cant wait to give you a double dose of what i gave you at mildura 2 years ago :lol:

BRING IT ON :wink:
dads army

Dads amry lets see means one of 2 things
A: farther and Son (Cliff Roberts(farther),Luke Roberts (son
B:eek:r there are 4 young people in the team and 3 OLDER people in the team

And i just happen to be apart of dads army :lol:
Sob Sob

Ya know.... i never got to say goodbye to Rhonda "Rotten" Box..... I miss her i hope shes there next year lol! maybe luke might have a chance... what ya think deano????? i might hook em up for a one nighter... thats if shes there at colac of course.... :lol: :lol: :D
O.k pete who is this ronda rotten box her name does not sound that good i am not really into one nighters thanks anyway mate
Luke Rhonda is a Rottie I mean Hottie

Luke you will one day understand what Country Cup is all about. Maybe u should come away next year and watch me absolutley thrash Chucky like i almost do everytime. Hey chucky we got to take pete out one nite like we used to go out.

Yours Truley

The Revmaster

hay deano one day you will understand what i am all about

i have been planing this for many years
my first country cup i WILL come back with a allstar shirt and after i do that
i will blow you away in thursday singles like i did last year i cant wait!!!!!!!

P.s If country cup is about some girl or bloke named Ronda rottern box
i dont want nothing to do with it. lol
Now now luke... Rhonda is a hot sexy bitch! deano and i was after her all night but she only fancyed those ballarat boys.... but with you luke in the side this year.... she will be sittin on your lap cheering for the sunraysia boys... and no luke... u will not come back with the allstar shirt... your all talk... if you do... ill shave my ass and get someone to draw your face on it.... i think im fairly safe... And deano and craig are gonna take me out ey? i had trouble skullin those c*** sucking cowboys u gave me last year... what makes you so sure your gonna succeed next year???

Yours Trully

Gutterball Guru
Wow Rhonda really is a celebrity! 8)
Maybe we should blow her up more often??? :?:
Whatta ya think Woody? :wink:

peter , peter, peter...

what a hidious thought,, you betting your rear end shaved ( it has hair??? ),
then allowing some sick perverted deviate ( and, no i'm not available !) to draw a face on it??? persish the thought....yukkkkkkkkkkkk!
las thing i need in my twilight years of life is the sight of your bum hole with a face drawn on it....i presume the skid marks will blend in, maybe a chololate sundae effect????.

either way i reckon im safe from this potential phycological trauma.
1/ luke will most likely NOT achieve Allstar status.. but, if does ----
2/ I don't think there is anyone around that would go near your rectum with a pen. a crayon, a peice of charcoal, a texta,,,, etc....
yukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! nightmare material.. Cliff ( yes DAD!)
Chucky 4 Rhonda

Who on here thinks Luke and Rhonda would make a good couple?????

As for all stars and kicking my ass well bowl in a real tournament one day and see how far u get son

9pin guru

The curse will strike again


History will tell you that
excuse me luke? who said i was going to get someone to do it? ill do it my self... im very talented... but enough of that already.... it aint gonna happen. only due to the fact that your all talk and your gonna back that 99 game of yours at junior country cup with another game.
Im glad you agree that your a shit bowler though... or maybe u just bowl bad when your bowling agaisnt me? hangon... u bowl bad against everyone!! lol... yeah u suck luke.... just like your new long life soul mate... Rhonda Rotten Box :lol:

Well chucky you know that ill make it. You will too. But who knows, pete mite even make it one year, maybe senior shield or somthing. By the way boys next year its not Dad's Army its back to the Team Deano Inc that was so successful in Shepp.

Yours Truly

Deano :eek: :wink: :cry: :oops: :p :shock: :x :idea:
team deano was so succesful in shep???
not from what i heard..oh well maybe i heard mistruths..
gunna be hard to coax clayton back though.. good luck in 2004,,, hope you can match what this years team intends to do....
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