What was your first ball

my first ball was a 12lb target zone it was blue with sparkles, my brother uses it know, my first reactive was a 13lb zone attack MR.
mY fIrSt BaLl WaS aN 8Lb AmFlItE hOuSeBaLl AnD iT uSeD tO dEfLeCt LoTs AnD LoTs BuT I oNcE bOwLeD a 247 WiTh It So It WaS a GoOd BaLl FoR iTs Day :)
Murderdoll said:
woooooooooooow damage that took u a whole 30 mins to type all that ay?? hehe

nO aDrIaN iT tOoK mE aBoUt TwEnTy MiNuTeS tO tYpE iT aLl Up :lol:
LaAaAaAaAtEr PpLz :D
First ball was a 12lb white dot but my second ball was the worst/best :? a rubber Brunswick LT48 one on the smelliest balls I know of.
My First Ball

:? :? My First ball was a 10lb Plastic Zone, got it a year afta i started bowling. My first reactive would have been the Track EMB XF 14 lb, Still using that atm :? :?

10lbs Ebonite Maxim / Avg: 120???


14lbs AMF Angle / Avg: 182


15lbs Columbia Chaos / Avg: 167

Current Avg: 185 - 195 (Notice the huge jump down on avg!)

8lb columbia white dot - oh the memories

1st Reactive - 13lb zone MR - seems this was a fairly common ball
Mine was a light grey 8lb Maxim Ebonite. When i started to bowl spin it got a few revs, so it was a pretty good ball to start off with.
Cya! :p
My first ball was a 10lb AMF Boogie ("Wild One" colour) and first reactive was a 13lb Red/Silver Tornado.

Between those there was an 11lb Olympic Striker (which I can still by new for my pro shop!) and a 12lb maxim.
My first ever ball Was a:-
plastic Ebonite Maxim 11lb
Urathane AMF Power Up Impact 13lb
Reactive AMF Power Up Reactor 12lb
hahaha my first ball was a purple olympic striker with black bits through it.. and up until a few weeks ago i was still bowling with it.. haha had the ball for 5 years.. gonna miss it heaps :-( haha not really.. i've still got it downstairs so i'll go hug it every once and a while.. haha
First ball: 8lb Grey Ebonite Maxim
First reactive: 11lb Purple Gyro Pro (i think it's a reactive :s)
The memories aren't forgotten :D


Rowey :p
First ever ball was a Brunswick Bowlennium Plastic, still use it today (light 14lb). Its cool it sparkels and glows in the dark! :cool:

Then i stepped up to a Quantum Jade Green Pro-Active (Heavy 15lb)

First bowling ball i got 6 years ago!!
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