
New Member
Word just in, Adam Pringle has just bowled a very nice 299 in the Ultimate Youth Singles League at AMF Richlands. I believe he was bowling with the VISIONARY AMB PARTICLE. Go Visionary!! I also believe that he left a solid 10 pin. Nice game Adam, I am sure there will be plenty more to come.
Another outstanding effort on Adams' behalf.Adam did use his AMB Particle for the 299 game , and throughout the 4 game league to also record a very neat 1026 series.
Good work Adam, AMF Richlands is proud to have you on board.

Best regards,
Well done Adam - great game and series. Keep it up champ.


(PS: You could have been kinder to your opposition!!!!)
Feral said:
Well done Adam - great game and series. Keep it up champ.
(PS: You could have been kinder to your opposition!!!!)

Yeah too bad it was against me. I've had a 298 and 299 against me now.. 300 must be next..

299, 239, 230, 255... you sure made it tough for me mate. Well done. Glad to see you bowling really well.

And solid 10pin...what can I say! He knows ;)

Well done again.
Congrats Pringle on ur 299 game. We noe that there will b plenty of 299 games and 300 games 2 come. Kep up the great bowlin. Hope 2 see u at east coast at Fairfeild in Sydney.
Once again well done and keep up the great bowlin.

Felicyti Murphy
well done adam, good to see you bowled a nice series with that as well.
allen (next eccc captian) and i say great job mate.
great game mate
that visionary gear worked well got that AMB particle if that 10 pin had knocked over then that woul have been 4 300's under your belt since december of last year but a 299 is still a great score keep them coming
On ya cranker....!!!

Solid 10 Pin eh.... Adam....please enlighten us on how solid that 10 pin was.!!!
I don't think Adam would like to comment on the manor in which he left the 10 pin standing, but at least we can all have a giggle about the fact it wasn't a 5 pin...........You should get a laugh out of that one Shannon.

Good work nonetheless Adam.
why cant you ever let me see these great games? i bowl with you like every tuesday.. i sit there and let you make fun of me and how crap i am. yet still you wont bowl somethign friggen awsome when im there.. so i leave you with congrats and become a better bowler.
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