Adam Pringle bowls 300 at Redcliffe Open

Oi are so bad at bowling man why don't you just give up??? AHAHAHAHAHA...I'm so proud of the way you bowled on the weekend...I know there is so much more to come out of you yet...Love ya...

Pringle's Groupie Number 2
MiSs HoT pAnTs said:
Oi are so bad at bowling man why don't you just give up??? AHAHAHAHAHA...I'm so proud of the way you bowled on the weekend...I know there is so much more to come out of you yet...Love ya...
Pringle's Groupie Number 2

just for the record.. im number 1. *cassy and lis crash tackle adam*
Congratulations Adam!!
So proud of you hey!!!
and then to bowl a 298 the next day... simply outstanding effort....
I better be there to see the next 300!

Love Jodes xxx
hey adam just thought i would add my congradulations to you whoa dude 300that good a few more to the tally would be nice i bet
Well Adam on a super performance and a 5th placing in the Redcliffe City Open and against much more experienced and seasoned bowlers.

Secondly of course, congrat's on your first 300 and what a better place to bowl it than in a tournament like the Open. I have seen you bowl many a high game and now that you have this one under you belt I'm sure there will many more.

Once again Congrat's....................

Hey Adam,
Congrats on your 1st 300; I am sure there are many more to come; as I hear you came so close with a 298 the following day! Amazing stuff!
Congrats Mate!

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