Your ideas for Tenpin Bowling in Australia


Staff member
Most people have heard mine, if not check out the Tim Mack Topic, but here it is, a topic for you to post your proposal. The more ideas we have the better. Of Course if you think Australian bowling is quite satisfactory as it is, then don't post, or post, stating that you think its perfect as it is...

Later Da Cowman!
I have just had a look at the National Ranking Tour (men’s power tournaments) and I have a few suggestions

To make a National Tour you'd have to expand the Super 6, the Super 6 is a great bunch of tournaments... I’ve watched a few and been in one and with graham, AMF, Ebonite and all the other sponsors

Have a Tournament in each Month of the year
January- SA-Cup
February-Cairns Open
March- Arafura Classic
April- Australia Open
May-Perth Cup
June- Melbourne Cup
July- NSW Open
August- South Pacific
September- Barossa Cup (or make it make national or another event is SA)
October- Surfs up classic
November- Nationals Tournament *more about this later
December- Brunswick Cup

There’s Just a draft idea.... more tournaments ranked into the one Tour, instead of having tournaments clash or too many in the one month.

** As to the nationals Tournament, I have an idea of having the nationals as they are, but increase the field of 32 finalists to 64, like the ABC masters in the PBA tour..... It might not be fair you say.... but you put it best 3 games out of 5.... Or keep the total pin fall 3 games; because some ppl say the 3 game pin fall is bad........ that’s why you have double elimination....... and because of the multiple qualifying attempts you make the Tournament double or even triple rankings points.... with a field of 64 bowlers you get more o a contest... more matches. And truly have an Australia Masters Champion.


Now for the Cons of my ideas.....


Hard to come by, who is going to organize sponsors for 12 events.... we have alot of opportunities for sponsorship, but we need to give back to the Sponsors some how.... I was at the Melbourne Cup this year and that is by far the best tournament I have ever been in...

Entry Fees.....

If your going to bowl 12 national events you would need to have a spare $15 grand or so unless your one of the lucky bowlers who cash at every tournament they bowl in or at least the majority.... and honestly I don’t have that kind of cash... do you.... bowlers want large prize funds and smaller entry fees.... It’s impossible.... but if you want to have a national tour you have to pay the entry..... Again the Melbourne cup paid like 80 out of the 130 or so bowlers.... Getting something is better then going home empty handed

Lack of TV Coverage
I guess not all 12 events have to be covered but if you could get a deal or anything started for my nationals’ idea I'll gladly help anyone who can give input...... I would pay money to watch the Masters.

Bowler Support

No one wants to donate their $250 so (no offence) the Frawleys, the Belmontes, Trotters, Littles, or Brando can take a $3000 check home. But if a Tour was to be organized you would need bowler support 120 entries is a minimum to any of these tournaments.... you want a tour you SUPPORT THE TOUR....... you want to tour SUPPORT THE SPONSOR.....After all they sponsered you!!!!!!

Help them, because they help our game!!

That’s it from me, you hated it you loved it tell me here...... any input at all would be welcome.... negative or positive. Just post!!!

Seeya at the Surfs up classic.....

An exhausted James Sitters
There is some great ideas there but what happened to the QLD Cup. I think the QLD Cup is an excellent event from what I have seen, and I might bowl it next year. I wouldn't wanna see it removed from the tour.
As i said it was just draft

I didnt put it in cause it clashed in the same month with the Melbourne Cup.... thats why but as I said I will be a work in progress... Maybe have it in September instead of Barrossa I dunno.....
Ideas for tenpin bowling in Australia is the question.

AMF, who control most of the tournaments in Australia need to make changes for the better and the future of bowling in this country, is the answer.

1. The AMF Super Six Circuit is good but would need a few changes to increase the entries for the future.
1a) all super six events should have an entry fee of $250.
1b) the prize fund should increase with 1st place earning $5000 and 16th place $1000. Probably pay down to 30th place.
1c) incentive prizes of $250 for highest non-qualifying females and youth bowlers.
1d) full spots should be available to win by league bowlers in AMF centres for the upcoming super six event in that surrounding area. This way the event can gain extra entries and the average bowler can compete with the elite stars.
1e) different oil patterns should be layed for each event.
1f) different formats for the events.

As stated in a previous post, sponsors are hard to come by. I believe game rates should be lowered to allow tournament prize funds to increase. These tournaments should be promoting the sport to our juniors, youth and average league player by having a prize fund decent enough for them to strive to improve their game to enter the event and try to make a dollar. Also the chance to compete against bowling's elite. I understand that centres need to make money, but making it from tournaments bowlers is not the go.

AMF Super Six Events for 2004 would likely be the following;

January - Sth Australia Cup @ Woodville, S.A
March - Cannington Classic @ Cannington, W.A
April - Australian Open @ Sunshine, Vic
May - Queensland Cup @ Kedron, Qld
July - NSW Open @ Bankstown, NSW
August - Sth Pacific Classic @ Moorabbin, Vic

With the SPC being the World Cup Qualifier, it should be the last event on the super six calendar every year.

2. I noticed in a previous post that the TBA ranked events got a mention. I see we have 13 ranked events on the men's calendar. I believe it should be cut to 11 events and only majors qualify as ranked events. The others that get cut or that want to class themselves as a ranked event should be included into that state's ranking events.

The TBA Men's & Power Rankings Events;
1. Sth Australia Cup
2. Cannington Classic
3. Australian Open
4. Arafura Classic
5. Perth Tenpin Cup
6. Melbourne Tenpin Cup
7. Queensland Cup
8. NSW Open
9. South Pacific Classic
10.TBA Australian Masters
11.Brunswick Australian Cup

The women's division has 7 TBA ranked events, and should include points from their highest four power events.

1. Women's Adelaide Cup
2. Vic 150
3. Queensland Ladies Classic
4. NSW Open
5. South Pacific Classic
6. TBA Australian Masters
7. Arafura Classic

The Youth division has 8 TBA ranked events, and should include points from their highest three power events.

1. National Youth Cup
2. Latrobe Valley Youth Cup
3. Werribee Youth Cup
4. Nth Queensland Youth Open
5. Sth Australian Under 23's
6. Penrith Youth Cup
7. Melbourne Youth Cup
8. Sharp Champion Of Champions

I like the idea of the TBA Australian Masters having a format similar to that of the ABC Masters in the U.S.

I believe the one event that needs a sponsorship to give the event a prize fund to help fund the bowlers expenses to the event is RACHUIG. This year is going to be awesome with the inclusion of Nth Queensland & NZ, giving Rachuig a challenge of 10 teams.
It is very expensive to represent your state and even though the pride is there in some bowlers minds, it would be great to gain a sponsor to fund Rachuig so TBA could have a huge prize pool for the top three teams in each division.

I would also like to see a tournament players association that consists of one bowler from each state that can meet with TBA & AMF tournament directors at major events to discuss and suggest ideas to improve and boost the image of tournament bowling in this country. It's always good to have a bowler's point of view. The tournament bowlers can give their suggestions to the bowler representatives of the players association to pass on at meetings with the event organizers.

Questions need to be asked as to why tournament entries are falling?

There are my views at improving tournament bowling in Australia.


This is in no way an official response from AMF and one can be sought if necessary, but to fill you in :

I know AMF is trying to keep the entry fee to a reasonable level is a priority from AMF in 2003 and will continue to be in 2004. $250 seems to be pretty reasonable.

In regards to larger payouts, wouldnt it be nice. Unfortunately I don't know where the money could possibly come from. You suggest dropping the game rate, I think a little known fact is that AMF chip in sponsorship to the tune of around $4000 for every Super Six event. If you work out the total games from qualifying, and then matchplay, work it out on $4 per game it comes very close to $4000 in most tournaments.

What does this mean ? AMF are covering the lineage cost, and the prize fund is made up almost entirely from the entry fees. Without sponsors the huge prizefunds you are talking about are impossible. The flipside of offering great money for the Top 16 is the fact that the prize fund cannot be paid down as far, therefore making it unattractive for the fringe bowlers (ones who rarely if ever cut, but cash regularly). Losing those bowlers because you have paid only to the Top 16 means you lose the fringe bowlers, meaning less money in the prize fund. Meaning less money to pay the Top 16. It really is a catch 22. (edit : i just read down your post again and saw that you wanted to pay down further to encourage the juniors/youth etc - it has to be one or the other in the current situation - cannot possibly be both : either pay big bucks to the top 16 or pay down further (and cut the top $$) to encourage more bowlers.)

In regards to different formats, im all ears. We are trying a different sort of format for the Brisbane Cup up here in October (next month already !!) and I am keen to run it in a Super Six event. If anynoe has any ideas, please let me know. I am happy to run all format ideas past Tony Goodwin to try and get them a start in an event.

In regards to Win A Spots, the problem with this is support. I remember Win A Spots we used to run in my local centre. A whole TWO people would show up. I dont know the answert to that one. I know a few centres run them, but without support from the bowlers it is very hard.

That's jsut a few of the points you covered.
Do the rankings in this country actually mean anything??

I know the supersix winner gets like $500 but come on.... what about the power rankings do you actually get anything for being the top male and female

the top youth???

Please inform me
Thanx for pointing that out christian...

Anybody got any more ideas or ways to put these ideas into action??
i think that all the circuits around are all very good, but im not the only youth bowler who would probably want to see a youth circuit around Brisbane, with some big (reasonable) cash and it would be a platform of such before younger bowlers bowl in the Adult tournaments. Lots of bowlers i know are very reluctant to bowl tournaments with adults because of the fear of wasting their time.

i realise it is all about gaining experience, but i think that it would just be good to see
I completely agree with you and I think Brisbane could probably run such a circuit successfully. I don't know about wasting time bowling in adult tournaments, firstly as you said it is great experience but secondly getting in the money is not unattainable. Even if it only money back, you are still gaining valuable experience. But yes, I would like to see some more youth events with some good incentives for bowlers.
Having the rankings like the old 'Pin Action' ratings would be good, problem is we'd need the old 'Semi majors' circuit that we had up until the early 90's running again(remember, back when everyone used to travel everywhere? was everyone loaded back then or something?) Having our top players bowling 20 odd rating events a year would give a more accurate picture, pity that a lot of the old tournies don't exist at this moment in time.(in SA and Vic anyway, NSW and up north still have their fair share)
we are trying to get a junior/youth circuit here in WA for next year.

maybe 3 or 4 events in 2004 and then, after seeing what kind of response it gets, extend it to 6 or 7 events so a fully-fledged circuit can exist here :D:D:D

but its still in its very opening stages :)
i have an idea
it would promote bowling in the younger and older ages
it would take a full year to get off the ground is the problem

what they could do is have 12 state ranking tournaments a year
ratings for women
ratings for men/women
one for youth
then have 12 national ratings tournaments

the idea being the top 3 of each of the rankings the next year would go to the 12 majors with free entry,in a way it would showcase the talent of the bowlers of there respective states, that way there would be a reason to go to the state ranking tournaments religously.

number 1 reason this would not work
tv coverage
in football or cricket,every kid wants to play cricket or football and every adult wishes he was as good as brad fittler or steve waugh
if bowling was up to these levels of coverage,the competition would be much higher because you can be a fat slob and beat the fittest person you have ever seen,fitness doesnt really come into bowling,experience does, in other sports you need to be super fit,in bowling the ball comes back to you,all you have to do is walk 4 to 7 steps,swing your arm and release the ball sit down and wait for your next shot

all i know is something needs to be done now
I like Dead Man Walking's idea of using the state tournaments as a incentive to get free entry into the bigger national tournaments..... the only problem would be huge entry fees to discount the national events or discounting the prize funds for the state levels..... To counter this you'd have to get sponsorship

So one poses the question......

If you can manage to get TV coverage you will get sponsorship it's that simple. I mean, state netball matches get put on abc on the weekends why can't bowling? And I am not having a dig at netball here, it's just a point I am putting across. I mean they put all kinds of sport on the abc and stuff from shooting to netball to whatever. The question I have is, has any of the tournament organisers or whoever is responsible actually made an appointment with the abc for example and discussed the options with them. I am sure they would at least be willing to discuss the matter with us.

Just a thought 8)
I admit i have looked through the younger bowlers eyes,i cant see how it would work financially,it would need sponsers,maybe ball companys like brunswick,columbia,track,storm and ebonite???there would have to be a great deal of thought and planning for this to take place,if amf didnt like it maybe take it to bowl australia?or is that a nsw venture?if enough people were interested and joined the state ranks,the money from the state ranks could basically pay for the it to take place on a more national level by slightly lowering the money for the prize fund it would almost work as a self carrying national organisation
Have the Nationals held in EVERY state in Australia in a rotation system, not just the same states year in year out, this is imperative for the development of the game at a Junior level to give those kids the impetus and drive to want to do better.

Drop the prices down, make the sport as affordable as possible {Oh Christ I sound like Dr James Wright here :eek: } nothing is a bigger turn off for people than over-pricing, I realise that throughout the country there are proprieters who do offer special game rates and they should be commended for that.

Treat bowling as a sport, not as a play thing for social bowlers to turn up and dick around and treat centres like a toilet, enforce a few standards, if they don't adhere to them..............GOOOOOOOOONE

Corporatise centres more. Instead of having Lane 1, Lane 2, Lane 3 etc, have advertising hordings on each lane.

Lane 1 could have a massive Coke hoarding on the masking unit, Lane 2 could have Vodaphone, Lane 3 Tooheys.
You get the picture, might be worth a try in getting more funds into the sport.

No drinking of alcohol on the lanes, if you want a beer or a toppy, go into the bar and have one.

Just a few thoughts
You could have centres where companies could be naming rights sponsors of that particular centre.

I can think of a couple of centres here that could be sponsored by Tampax :? :?
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