My opinion.

It is not how it looks from where I stand.....e.g. are you on the payroll Glen... I think you should go back and have a good read of all your posts....

By the way, I'm not the only person with this opinion........

As for the syndicate, I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but ...................what if it worked?????
So finally, despite the protestations of innocence and complaints of business persecution, it has been decided by the Qld government watchdogs that the constitution was illegal.
I think I'd be renaming the the operation too if it was mine.
Regarding some of the posts on this forum, I really don't see how anyone can possibly not have an opinion after the latest update.
Whats more of a worry is that the chief executive officer of TBA is standing for another term on the board. Hopefully next time she will choose her advisers with greater care.
Re: My opinion.

hasbeen said:
By the way, I'm not the only person with this opinion........

As for the syndicate, I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but ...................what if it worked?????

Sure Dave,
Unfortunately im not a sheep and I will always have my own opinion.

I am merely reporting the facts and giving my opinion on Syndicate52.

In regards to working .. yeah I don't mind if it works, and if it is run legally, it probably will work - and good luck to them. However, in the previous form the business was not legal. But yet we had the TBA Chairperson come on here and say "it's perfectly legal", lot's of people would believe that. When you have TBA representatives acting as agents, people would intend to believe its all legit. And that is why I am/was concerned about making such a big deal out of this.

If ive stopped 1 bowler from losing money in this scheme then my job here is done.
Graham wrote,
If you want to say something about this topic you are quite entitled to. I dont have a say over what other people write.

Well i know this to be false as you have changed 2 posts of mine already so it seems as though if u dont like what people say u dont let them say it at all. Why dont you put your 52 dollars in and maybe when the draw happens you might win :twisted: :twisted:
Alright heres my two cents worth.

Everyone is always saying whats wrong within the game, such as the no 6 pound balls at Bendigo bowl, and many other things. Alwyas looking for a way to improve the game. So here comes one, yeah ill agree it sounded a bit dodgy. But it was an idea, and it could've worked. Now heres another bit that i havent understood yet. If this was just one giant scam. Why would Frank and June put their names near it?? at all?? We all know the penalties for this kind of thing, its A Current Affair's weekly big news story. So why would they put their names to it if they knew the penalties, and knew that nearly every single person in the bowling community would also know who did it??? The Con-man u see on ACA every week does it to random people, not to thousands of specific people over a couple of differnt sports!! Now maybe they didnt think of this like i saw it, and im stabbing in the dark. But think about it people. If it was one giant scam, u lost $52, but bad people got what they wouldve deserved. However if it was true, and it helped this game of tenpin bowling, then it wouldve been all worth, True??

Like i sed, only my two cents worth.

Later Da Cowman, or for records sake, Stephen Cowland.
I would have to agree with Stephen 100% on this.

Why would two people well known to the bowling community, and these boards put their name to a HUGE multi sport scam. Thats just an outrageous thing to do.

And if, which I highly doubt, they were to do this they would pay a very hefty punishmint, and deserve it.

But it is quite obvious that this is not a scam, and as Stephen said we all want to make this great sport of ten pin bowling better, but we turn a blind eye on an oppurtinity that could see the sport be publicised.

And if I am wrong, well so be it.

Michael McDonald
The Council must be spiking the Shellharbour drinking water with a memory loss drug...Either that or you guys can't see the big picture behind the smoke and haze.

The reason people put their name to scams is to fool the unsuspecticting public into believing it's on the up and up. If Syndicate52 was legit from the start, it would be holding draws by now wouldn't it?
What have June and Frank done to make themselves such legends in your minds?

Try using YOUR minds and not just your starstruck emotions.
I agree with Steven, i think Graham is so keen on it not to work, he is going out of his way to make sure it doesnt.
ab said:
i think Graham is so keen on it not to work, he is going out of his way to make sure it doesnt.

You see, that is the beauty of this forum..... EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION!! Yes, even Graham. What, just because he runs this forum, he has to agree with EVERYTHING that is posted?? Good luck and high scoring there.

I must admit, I still think it's dodgy. Yes, it looks great on paper (or their website) but if it was totally legit, they would be having their draws now, correct? Since they're not, something is obviously wrong. If it works, it works, and I will congratulate them for helping BOWLING... but at the moment, it's like a member of the Sadaam's weapons personel..... Suss at absolute best ("We destroyed all our weapons... We really did!!"). When people see proof, they MAY change their minds.

Just my opinion..... Make what you will out of it.

steve hampson said:
Graham wrote,
If you want to say something about this topic you are quite entitled to. I dont have a say over what other people write.

Well i know this to be false as you have changed 2 posts of mine already so it seems as though if u dont like what people say u dont let them say it at all.

Mate, you must have written something bad!! To get censored on this forum, you've obviously done something dreadfully wrong.
Steve was probably letting us know how many members they had... :lol:

Seriously though - all of the States have laws regarding gambling schemes. It would appear that this has been set up without due respect for those laws. Whether you call it a scam, or simply typical ATBC/TBA incompetence is irrelevant. For the sake of the credibility of the sport, the draws ABSOLUTELY had to be beyond any possible question regarding legitimacy. If you don't think so, lets imagine that the draws went ahead as planned, and someone (anyone!) even remotely connected to TBA won the first car. The sh!t would have hit the fans in lumps, EVEN IF EVERYTHING WAS ABOVE BOARD, simply because it would then come out that the organisation did not have the correct authority to operate. Anyone here think bowling needs _that_ sort of publicity?
This organisation is budgeting on people putting over two and a half million dollars into their control. $800 grand goes on 'overhead', a million and a quarter to TBA/sports bodies, and the $500K odd or so left over is doled out to the punters.
The 'overhead' includes $270K in 'wages, salaries and retainers'; office costs are separate. If the organisers are expecting to earn a quarter mil between them, I don't think its too much to ask that they get it right. TANSTAAFL.
Yes Androooo i did attack Graham in my posts thats why they were changed, and learn't that you dont attack the person who runs it or you dont use it. my bad
I notice a couple of posts on this topic refer to the association and scheme as being illegal. Can someone tell me where this has been stated and by whom. I am interested to see if someone in authority ie Qld Govt has actually said this.
wchester, these two people exist yes?

And if they were to put there names to something that turned out to be a scam, they would be punished BECAUSE they registered Syndicate 52 yes?
My Starstruck emotions?? How do i have starstruck emotions for posting what i think??? cmon tell me that one Wayne?? I just dont see how people can put their names to, what u say, a SCAM, knowing its a scam, and have nothing else but to take our money, and expect to get away with it when THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!! cmon, maybe u should start thinking about stuff as well mate, maybe u think u can see the whole picture behind the smoke and the haze, but maybe ur wrong mate. no wait how could u be wrong! C'mon look at it, how would all the people involved get away with it all now, especially now. everyone knows who they are!!
I'm not going to post again about this subject. I have given my opinion to all, those who agree, can. those who dont, dont have to. there you go Wayne you can have the last say again.

Later Da Cowman, Stephen Cowland.

Good one about the Shellharbour Council, Maybe you shouldnt let your mind wander, its far too small to be let out on its own!

Again, this will be my last post. this is my opinion. No-one can take that away from me.

Well this has suddenly got going then.... so as not to be regarded as a sheep I had better have my say on this.

$52 dollars get's to be $1 a week over the year, not too much in my opinion, 52 chances to win $200, again not bad, other draws and stuff through out the year ( not too sure what they are or when or anything like that...Graham is sure to have the details). As someone that would probably spend $50 a week on gambling things( machines..ticket machine at the bowl...ect and never win a thing) the syndicate just doesn't sound that bad to me. Now after reading the initial posts and the website I was sceptical about the whole thing , but I was prepared to wait and see. And before anyone I am not on the payroll.....allthough if it all works out and gets up and running then they could give me a call. :twisted:

The other thing I would like to know is why didn't all the people out there who seemed to know that this idea was a bit sus and seem to have bowlings best interests at heart speak to the people running this. Maybe they could have saved a lot of the problems and we could have had a tournament sponsored by the syndicate up and running???????

Again i say....what if it worked... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Ok, this will be my last comment on this. Honestly people should read the other topics in this forum about this whole thing before commenting.

1) If I think something is good for bowling, I would support it 100%.
2) I objected to how the company was setup and was proposed to run when it was setup. What people fail to realise is that the Queensland Gaming Regulation people have told them to make changes, as well as change the name of the company. That wasn't me that asked them to do that.
If those changes then make it ok to run, then my job here is done.
3) This company is run by the same person who runs National Awards for TBA, you know the one that people don't get plaques they paid for ages if at all. I know that's not all people, but I have to say it must be an overwhelming number of people. So much for putting your name to a company and "oh they would never shaft the bowlers"

Anyways ... I don't know how much I can go on about this .. if people can't see reality, theres not much more I can do.
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