Australian Open Spot - Sunshine

Hey Ryan you bowled well on the weekend didn"t you. Oh hang on a moment you didn"t participate atleast Peter had a go. Cheers Ralph.
hey ralph im asian i know wen to keep my money in my pocket but for peter to say that the only reason these high caliber bowlers win is coz they get new balls every week is a load of crock and you know it these bowlers win coz they are some of the best you will c around, not only in aus but the world. These bowlers hav gone through a hell of alot of hard work to get where they are and they are now getting rewarded it doesn't matter wether they get new gear or not they can still wipe the floor with the majority of bowlers out there. i hate it wen i c those sort of excuses coz they are a cop out. peter may hav bowled in it but it doesn't mean he has the rite to criticise our elite athletes in that way. cheers ryan burton.
by the way ralph wen i know im ready for ao don't worry ill b the first one signing up for it cheers ryan burton.
get your bloody facts right ryan if you read the last part of my post its just a question do they or dont they im not bloody trying to criticise anybody i know they are the best bowlers going around because i have bowled in a lot of tournaments they have been in besides brenton answered my question so end of story
All the bowling balls in the world can't make a champion out of a hack.
But on the other hand...

Take any two 200 + average bowlers with equal talent levels and yes, the right equipment will make a difference. While the vast majority of our top level players are getting their equipment comped, there is still room for someone with great dedication and work ethics, to make a splash in Australian Tenpin Bowling, even without a bootfull of bowling balls.
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan...

Whaaaaat did you get yourself into mate?

I am a league bowler and bowl 1 league and I used a ball that is 5 years old and made the cut into the finals. As Wayne said, yes, free bowling balls help but at the end of the day, it is hardwork and skill and a bit of luck as well.

You have no idea what conditions we bowled on so for you to say what you said and offer to Peter, you come across as "cocky" mate... Asain or not Asain...

Ciao and enough said...
leo dude if u read wat i wrote u are saying the exact same thing i am saying its not about the gear its about the bowler. some ppl just don't read carefully hear and im not being cocky at all. yes i may hav not faced the condition you guys hav faced but if i did i would blame it on my own incapabilties not the equipment i hav leo you should know wen eva i bowl like **** i don't blame it on my gear just me. ryan burton.
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