Australian Open Spot - Sunshine

AMF Sunshine

New Member
AMF Sunshine are holding a "Win A Spot" Tournament in the 2008 Australian Open.

It will be held on Sunday March 16th at 6pm.

8 games scratch - $55.00

Any bowler who enters a "Win A Spot" tournament will receive a $50 discount on their entry to the 2008 Australian Open.

Call Sunshine to book your spot, or you can post on this thread.


Brett Best
List so far.

1. Nick Williamson
2. Kelvin Mueller
3. Stevan Malina
4. John Clemmet
5. Brett Smith
6. David Porto
7. Simon Egan
8. Peter Hammond


Hi Brett,
Please add Kelly Raveche to the list.

Shock in "SHOCK & AWE"
Updated List

1. Nick Williamson
2. Kelvin Mueller
3. Stevan Malina
4. John Clemmet
5. Brett Smith
6. David Porto
7. Simon Egan
8. Peter Hammond
9. Ralph Harford
10. Brendan Howe
11. Cameron Jenkins
12.Allan Bamford
13. Russell Stokely
14. Kelly Raveche




What if you bowl in two win a spots do you get $100 off. Just thought I'd ask as I was thinking of bowling in the Sunshine spot and bowled off in the Boronia spot last night unfortunately without success.
What if you bowl in two win a spots do you get $100 off. Just thought I'd ask as I was thinking of bowling in the Sunshine spot and bowled off in the Boronia spot last night unfortunately without success.

That question was asked last year aswell. Anwser was No. but nice try as ralph said..
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