2008 Australian Open

Hi Brett
Can you please take me out as i am unable to bowl due to injury
thanks Steve Eeles

Can yo post an updated Squad list please. By the way just in case you didn't get it I requested Squad A.
Updated List

A Squad
1. Alan Notman
2. James Bowles
3. Chris Castle
4. Yousef Akbar
5. Kelvin Mueller
6. Andrew Tonkin
7. Giao Nguyen
8. Joel Lovegrove
9. Rod Stewart
10. Drew Layton
11. Vi Huynh
12. Stevan Malina
13. Gavin Cox
14. Brenton Poole
15. Jason Newman
16. Nick Williamson
17. Michael McNamara
18. Justin Edwards
19. Russell Stokely
20. Chris Commane
21. Shane Sutcliffe
22. Paul Rues
23. Mick Carlsson
24. Michael Castle
25. Ralph Harford
26. Leo Torres
27. Scott Fulton
28. Darren Hallifax
29. Terry Silva
30. Billy Tanasiciuc
31. Steve Prokopec
32. Brendan Howe
33. Allan Bamford
34. Michael Carlile
35. Simon Hocking
36. Cyril Trykoff

B Squad
1. Matt Riley
2. Mathew Wormald
3. David Porto
4. John Clemmet
5. Brenton Manning
6. Nick Green
7. Michael Craig
8. Peter Hammond
9. Glen Loader
10. Andrew McArthur
11. Adrian Sprakel
12. Nick Walsh
13. Glenn Rowland
14. Mac Stewart
15. Frank Bell
16. Ronald Hine
17. Brenton Davy
18. Ben Coupland
19. Brandon Qualischefski
20. Jarrod Lean
21. Marc Truilicio
22. Michael Little
23. Carl Barbara
24. Steven Smith
25. Jason Way
26. Mike Kennedy
27. Christopher Mowat
28. Bruce Brown
29. Brad Whitehouse
30. Brian Bridges
31. Paul Lawton
32. Steve Bellino
33. Steven Cowland
34. Scott Richards
35. George Frilingos
36. Brett Smith
37. Chris Thomas
38. Mark Dodds
39. Jason Pearson
40. Ashley Clark
41. David Farquharson
42. Scott Robertson


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