Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?


Active Member
There was a time when people posted things on this site with which I could disagree. Totally- violently even, disagree. Then more ppl would often join in on either side, or with a unique twisted attitude of their own. Great discussions ensued.

Today, how can I argue if someone has a 15lb ball for sale - or even 25 of them? They either have it or them for sale. or they don't.
Same with tournaments. The centre is going to have one on a particular date, or they're not...... End of story!

I reckon the site has lost all it's OOMPH without a good debate ---No... not debate.. arguement and disagreement.

Anybody want to argue about that ???
This place definitely isn't the hive of bowling discussion that it used to be. That's for sure.
There was a time when people posted things on this site with which I could disagree. Totally- violently even, disagree. Then more ppl would often join in on either side, or with a unique twisted attitude of their own. Great discussions ensued.

Today, how can I argue if someone has a 15lb ball for sale - or even 25 of them? They either have it or them for sale. or they don't.
Same with tournaments. The centre is going to have one on a particular date, or they're not...... End of story!

I reckon the site has lost all it's OOMPH without a good debate ---No... not debate.. arguement and disagreement.

Anybody want to argue about that ???

How much is he asking for the ball ?
Talking about the ATBC I found this the other day , a remnant from my jnr bowling days at the now defunct Goulburn Ten Pin Bowl.
Ran an AMF centre when scoring was skill, not equipment.......I also apologise for effectively being responsible for the death of the ATBC and the birth of TBA, and indeed, writing it's original constitution.

Bad, silly me.
Yeah I remember you had to have one lead pencil to use on your scoresheet to hand into your league Secretary and one white pencil to score at the desk. I bet most young people wouldn't know what this is.

[quote="Mistagear, post:

1989, pfftt. All you latecomers don't know nuffin[/quote]

1964, pfftt. Enlarge my avatar and look at the young kids ( with white pencils ) scoring. Have a good look to see if one of them may be you ?
[quote="Mistagear, post:

1989, pfftt. All you latecomers don't know nuffin

1964, pfftt. Enlarge my avatar and look at the young kids ( with white pencils ) scoring. Have a good look to see if one of them may be you ?[/quote]

Well I can go back to the first time I bowled, Thurs 30th March 1961, but not the score. Even if I did remember, it would be to embarrassing to divulge.
PS, that pre-dated ATBC, (which you killed) lol
LOOSE CANNON - Pls advise if the pic you have of the A series scorer complete is current - if so where is it?..it looks like a Bric A Brac store of some type??

Thx in advance

When did the change of entity of ATBC to TBA happen - what year I mean and was it undertaken at a Board meeting of the then ATBC or by a full AGM [specially called or otherwise]? I was living overseas during this period and have no idea of the specifics - which would be of interest.

Thx in advance
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