what ball has the best hook potential and why???

i reckon the best in brunswick is probably goliath for me, because it rolls nicely and gives me the big scores.
if you mean hooks the most x factor ace,if you mean just wat i think is the best id say probablly depth charge or fear factor 8)

LATER!! :p
i would say track gp2, morich wmb, ebonite v2 strong/r or excel, big deal,ultimate inferno, bully. and theres probaly a heap more.
Biggest hooking ball

I would have to say the biggest hooking ball i have ever bowled with would be old school balls: RotoGrip SD73, Brunswick Danger Zone HPC
closely followed by the Fear Factor.
The biggest hooking ball that I have at the moment is "The Real Deal" from Hammer, but definitely looking forward to trying out their "Big Deal" :D
mine is the storm hot rod pro stock because i cna get so much hand on any of my balls i really make this one hook alot. 8)
ok the most hooking ball would have to be the x factor vertigo but the best hooking ball would have to be the silver streak particle cu its easy to control
So far from what i've seen from bowling balls i'd say the X Factor ACE because it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO aggressive. I think my mind might be changed when i see the X Factor Vertigo rolled, though. :?


Rowey :p
Rowan i think ur mind has changed my vertigo is out of this world. It hooks so much i have to virtually chuck it over the gutter.
the ball with the most hook has to be the .......................................... whitedot that ball doesn't stop hooking if the lane was 80 bords wide the whitedot would go over all of them. topic closed.
on behalf of another bowler i would hav 2 say the Flip/Side WOW is an awsome ball, followed by the Virus.

Im more of a Track and Columbia person.
7 not 8 no more said:
the ball with the most hook has to be the .......................................... whitedot that ball doesn't stop hooking if the lane was 80 bords wide the whitedot would go over all of them. topic closed.

You're high man, my Ebonite Galaxie300 will out hook any white dot you can find.
Actually guys Im agreeing with the young one that said Rotogrip SD73,

The Sd 73 was banned by the pba, because of the hooking aggression and the hardness of the ball, it is still banned in some ABC leagues in America, I dont beleive it had an impact on australian soil.

Actually guys Im agreeing with the young one that said Rotogrip SD73,

The Sd 73 was banned by the pba, because of the hooking aggression and the hardness of the ball, it is still banned in some ABC leagues in America, I dont beleive it had an impact on australian soil.

Brett Hall said:
7 not 8 no more said:
the ball with the most hook has to be the .......................................... whitedot that ball doesn't stop hooking if the lane was 80 bords wide the whitedot would go over all of them. topic closed.
WHITE DOT? [-X :| :-s OK then, but that's just plan weird.

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