Sean Rash support...... crazy


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Are you guys serious? Belmo has done more for the sport than any other person dare I say in the history tenpin bowling in this country. He represents Australia everytime he laces and people flood to support Sean Rash? Oh let's welcome Sean with open arms..... are you guys serious?

The guy has just screamed obscenities at Belmo on National TV in the USA (children present in the audience too), then has the hide to release a statement stating his is not apologising for what happen and he was in the right to do so.

Call me crazy, but where I'm from you support your mates and back them all the way. Belmo came out early and released a statement saying it was not intentional, did you guys actually read it? Who do you believe? Sean has not and will not apologise and thats ok with you?

I will not be supporting Sean when he comes here and will not be making an effort whatsoever to welcome him.

There are other well respected pros coming here, people who deserve respect and the welcoming us Australians are so good at giving. Not Rash though....

Just my thoughts
Hi George,

forums are for opinions, thats the right we have as Australians. To have an opinion on any subject. Mine is that 2 wrongs dont make a right.

Sure Rash was out of line, but acting like a tool when he is here in our Country makes us no better than him. You can treat him however you like its your choice, but if my path crosses with his i wont be name calling or abusing him, what exactly would that achieve?

My 2c worth.
Hi George,

Let me put it as cleanly and politely as I can.

I grew up with parents that preached this to me and I live by it every day and preach it to my kids.

1: Always treat others the way you like to be treated.
2: Change the things you can change.
3: Accept the things you cannot change
4: Have the wisdom to know the difference.

So, how would I teat Sean Rash, the way I like to be treated.

If I am treated badly by him personally then he will have his day. It does not need to be me that assists in his day. Somebody body else will at some point. But I would treat him the way I like to be treated and not lower my values in any way as that would go against my beliefs.

Support Belmo, absolutely 100%.

Just another thought, got a phone call before I could fnish. Typically part of the Australian culture is this, picture if you will.

Your mate is in trouble maybe at work, maybe with the lady of the house or with a mate that has done the wrong thing, what do you do.

A: step in without asking
B: ask if your mate is ok
c: say, I am here for you mate, speak up if you need a hand.

I think if Belmo needs a hand, we will all be there for him. But we need to wait for him to speak up.

I would hate to embarrass him by jumping in.
1. The incident is over...lets all get over it.
2. Sean Rash and Belmo are professionals and phenomenal bowlers and 95% of bowlers are going to forget everything and treat them as such. I will treat both of them as superior athletes in this sport and will be honoured to bowl in a tournament with both of them in it.
3. Virtually nobody on this forum was present during any of these incidents, so they can't really pass judgement based on a 30 second youtube clip

IMO, People need to get over it, let Rash and Belmo do what they do best. Bowl.
I am a supporter of Belmo and Brunswick - Rash being part of that team.

People make mistakes, if they didn't we would all be on the PBA. Attempting to treat Rash like rubbish when he visits is just going to make things worse for Belmo when he returns and any critics who don't know who was in the right/wrong will lose their faith in Australians as professional bowlers.All because a bunch of bowlers who want to "stick up for a mate" made him look bad by slandering and harassing a bowler they have never even met.

Let it go.
Storm in a teacup if you ask me. Noone really cares what happened other than the 2 bowlers. They both probably did something they shouldn't have yet idiots keep it going by jumping on one side or the other.
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