Polls and posts


Well-Known Member
Hi totalbowling
I always promote the site to parents of juniors who are looking for information and perhaps a way to link with the sport of tenpin.
I do cringe a little with the polls, most recently the "David Porto" and "Missing Shoes". With the last one, there is now comments about the credibility of players and putting a "well done" attitude on the person who might have done the deed.
As a tournament organiser, ranked events, I would feel very distressed when the problem arose. K & K was a very successful, well managed and well attended event. The post most viewed will be about the stealing/missplacement of a pair of shoes.
With the first post mentioned, the questioning of a persons sexuality on a nationally viewed website is not something I would use as an example to the up and coming junior bowlers.
You might think this a spoil sport attitude....or what is happening might be a sport spoiler.
Leanne Triulcio.
You might think this a spoil sport attitude....or what is happening might be a sport spoiler.
Leanne Triulcio.

Wish I'd thought of that, that line's gold...

On the whole I'd have to agree too. "All in good fun" should be kept within a circle of friends. I would imagine an outside would see the Porto poll as bizarre at best, but the Belmo / House Shoes makes us look like a pretty nasty, whining bunch.
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