Polls and posts


Well-Known Member
Hi totalbowling
I always promote the site to parents of juniors who are looking for information and perhaps a way to link with the sport of tenpin.

I do cringe a little with the polls, most recently the "David Porto" and "Missing Shoes". With the last one, there is now comments about the credibility of players and some heated responses.

As a tournament organiser, ranked events, I would feel very distressed when the problem arose. K & K was a very successful, well managed and well attended event. The post most viewed will be about the stealing/missplacement of a pair of shoes.

With the first post mentioned, the questioning of a persons sexuality on a nationally viewed website is not something I would use as an example to the up and coming junior bowlers.

You might think this a spoil sport attitude....or what is happening might be a sport spoiler.

Leanne Triulcio.

As with most online polls the questions can be rather pointless. Polls are more about forum member participation and having a bit of fun. I started the poll about David after some humorous conversations in Darwin, it was totally harmless and done with the permission of David.

The recent poll concerning Belmo's shoes was again a fun thing that was discussed in the carpark by all parties involved. My only regret in that poll is that there was no 'George is innocent' option. :D

I look at some online polls (the Age, Ninemsn, BRW, etc) and the questions are totally irrelevant and quite pointless. However from a member point of view it allows members to express THEIR point of view and encourages participation.

So in summary, there will be more polls in the future, some serious some not so serious, but what matters is that people enjoy the forum and participate where possible.

George Frilingos
POLL starter
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