junior bowlers with the most potential


New Member
just curious as to who people thought had a good shot, style and most potential to go some where in this sport from each state. both boys and girls

cheers people
i thought it was better to have it here and not the junior forum cause it really isnt relevant to anything and isnt on any particular topic
There was a lot of talent and potential out there this year at nats....but the 2 obvious ones that stood out in my mind was Tracey Madden from vic....brilliant shot.....Bianca Flanagan from sq.....and Stephen Cowland from act/southern. They all got great shots and are good to watch. :lol:
wel i would say cowland,slats, rowland, and pirie have alot of potential to go well in this sport along with oreily mccare and reynolds, there are so many guys that coudl go far but these ones stand out the most, the girls i woudl say flanagan madden hutchins wilson tubb staudinger young astill and leckie. as i said there is alot more but these are who i say can go really far if they stick with it

Most potential in Vic I would have to say is Micky Zentveld he’s got the best shots but can run out of lane as I bet all of you sore at nationals theres also Porto when he gets it going can be hard to stop and Anthony Morrell if you get him on the right oil and for the girls there’s three I cant split Tracy Madden, Cassie Staudinger and Carly Allen but all the rest of the Vic girls ant to far back all throwing down good shots.
A couple of Qld boys that will be tearing it up with the best of them soon are Ben Coupland and Hamish Rogers! Both these blokes have got great potential!
If only Hamish would get his thumb out of his ball! :p
From WA, i reckon ben mcloughlin. He told me that he was aiming for top ten in allstars, and finished 10th. also little tom has alot of potential. for girls in WA id say sylvia, she has bowled realy well lately, so i think she will become top notch!!

As for the rest i'd say
boys: mickey, anthony morrell, stephen reynolds, matt sing, ben coupland, luke rowland, slats, da cowman, gifford, cole rix, dan bunting (if you pull your finger out, he he he) dion, matty kanafa bobby o'reilly, porto

girls: bianca, carly, tracey, reese, michelle, lauren mooney, lauren rochester, sam fisher, haylz, emma tubb, jess starkey, felicity

thats about it i think, if i think of anymore i'll let yas no

hey peeps!
my choices would have to be these
girls: lauren R, christine, reese, debra bosma, carly allen, tracey madden, kara bunting, cassie fagg, zoe mattson and a few others that i can think of at the moment (sorry)
boys: wow alot of the boys really did well at nationals so here goes
Jayson Griggs, Kim Edwards, stephen reynolds, mat mcrae, dan bunting, zach waters, wade jones and alot more these were the ones that really stood out to me
there are alot of great bowlers out there and some of them haven't even begun to show you their potential so to those who still have the junior years left make the most of it because you regret not doing some of the things you had a chance to do when you weren't out..
good luck and have alot of fun ok
love yas
Hallow everyone how are we all ?! ..

Yes Shellbs i agree .. Cassie is definately going places, she has a beautiful style of bowling, and is proving to be an awesome bowler .. cause she's a DEAD SET LEGEND !! Hey Cass :wink: hehe ..

Oh an Kerrrystal King (even though she didn't bowl nats) is up an coming, she has a rad az style and i love her :D (I'm Sorry :cry: )

See Ya's Later
Thanks mandii.. Cassie is a dead set legend.. an shes soooo young... hehe arnt ya cassie :wink: :wink: hehehe.... but i rekon sum more bowelrs wit potential woudl be Amanda monteith, Hayli mozzoni , Nick santy , Matt simpson , phillip :wink: and ian phelan .... all very good bowlers.... well ill catchya all lataz
That's okay Kerrrystal :lol:

Yeah i forgot about Hayli Mazzoni .. she's an awesome bowler !! and Nick Santy is going places for sure !!
i will agree with everyone else, cassie fagg impressed me to no end, she has a gorgeous style and a powerful shot, a shot very enojyable to watch.
i rekon .. shes soo young and she is really good ..and to have made the state team so young is amazing ... shes a champ and the only thing holding her back is realising she is as good as everyone says she is !!! arnt ya cassie :wink: :wink:
See Cass .. everyone loves ya .. hehe but not as much as me :p Keep at your bowling dude cause your a champ and your going places !! Love ya :lol: hehe

Well there is quite a few young bowlers out there that have got alot of potentional ... Ant Morrell for example ... only 16 and going really strong!! definatly an upcoming bowler! Sylivia Wilson!! what a girl .. alot of ability there!
Anyway thats my 2 cents worth
Love Kara
After watching Craig for a few years and seeing his impressive results not to mention the 836 last night. Watch out for Craig, sometimes its the quiet ones you have to be careful of.............

Also from what I have seen, Morell, Zentfeld, Coupeland, O'Brien don't forget those names, you'll be seeing them for a long time.
Without a doubt in the guys, Chris Slattery!!! I mean, he is always finishing over the card in tournaments, and is always giving his all. He recently cut for the NSW Open, just, but he still achieved it. I have travelled to many tournaments, at times being knocked-out by him, but he is definately one guy with A LOT of talent and seeing that he is out of juniors, all the youth and adult bowlers better look out! Keep up the great bowling mate.
In the girls, Bianca Flanagan will go a long way. She has the game to do so. Not only physically, but mentally aswell. Well you would need both to make All-Stars in sheild and back that up with winning masters!!! She is one to look out for! There is also Lauren Mooney who has represented SA very proudly, making All-Stars herself not only this year, but also last year. Theres no way i could leave out Lauren Rochester, who also made All-Stars this year. From what the scores are saying, she seems to be improving in each tournament and could be a threat to other youth bowlers if she keeps that trend going.
There are my thoughts!
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