Individual Bowling Stats

Sean M

New Member
Does anyone know where I might be able to download some free Individual Bowling Stats program? I remember years ago Kellie put me onto a site but I don't think its still up and running.
If you register with and go to the 'Journal' section, you can keep track of averages, scores, strikes, spares, etc etc. This part lets you put up public or personal journals of your bowling scores and achievements. You can create personal league sections, tourney sections, practice sections, and other various things.

Hope this helps.


Rowey :p
I do all my stats in Microsoft Excel, i made worksheets to take care of all the stats i want like all game scores, series', leagues, monthly average, counts of games by range etc.
If you know how to use Excel, this is a great way to do it and you can have it however you want.
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