How do you become a tournament director?


New Member
Just curious does a tournament director get appointed..especially for a nationally ranked event?

Is there a nomination process?

Is he or she just simply chosen by the centre holding the event?

I am aware that centres have to nominate if they wish to hold a nationally ranked even in the following year, do they have to nominate a tournament director then?

Is the tournament director able to compete in the event?
First, you need a really think skin.
Then you have to care a lot about tournament bowling.
But not bowl yourself, as that would be a conflict of interest.
Then you need to be able to negotiate cheap game rates with centre management.
Then you need to be good with numbers.
To work out the scores in a pressured environment.
And to make the prize fund work.
Ideally you need to know a lot about lane conditioning and surfaces.
As much to defend yourself from the two thirds of the field who didn't cash as to actually lay a pattern.
And you have to like working really hard in a thankless environment for no pay.

So who's signing up?
Yes a very thankless job for sure. Bowlers chucking hissy fits and the like when things don"t go accordingly on the lanes scoring wise. There is no way you could even pay me to do the TD job i still wouldn"t apply. Cheers Ralph.
Patience. Calm. Patience. Patience. Did I mention patience?

To answer your question, generally by nomination and appointment. ACT State Board takes nominations for state TD, and then the board votes at the AGM.

I assume similar process is repeated in most associations...
I had to red card a close friend, he deserved it. But that was tough.
And I had to disqualify another close friend for, wait for it, being 20 seconds later for matchplay check-in.
Hurt like hell but "thick-skined" yes.

Be prepared to have some not so friendly friends for a couple of days.

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