highest mixed team score?


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Hopefully a post I can keep updating from week to week,

our team Shooters Shooters shot an impressive 3433 last night which was a league record. The amazing thing is that included one of the bowlers bowling 524. I'm sure it will get toppled by the end of the season but its still a decent number, and yes none of the other bowlers bowled under the 700 mark :D
Pretty impresive series i must say there for all bowlers shooting the 700+ an the odd 500+
one question is how many is in the team there have to be like 4 or 5...would there an i would say it's 3 games
It is 5 person mixed teams, 3 games

Just for the maths gurus out there, if you take away the low score of 524 it leaves you with a 2909 total. That works out to a 727 avg per player which is 242 per game each :D

Even more amazing, there wasnt a game over 260

How about we work out the average score per bowler per game and then you can compare to four person teams as well??

It means your team averaged 228.86 per bowler per game...

Of course being Caboolture they should have a bit of a handicapping system too... lol #-o just kidding...

There should be some out there somewhere to give you guys a bit of a challenge...

It will be interesting to see the response....
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