BETA Testers Required


Staff member
I need some people to volunteer to help us test a new part of TotalBowling that is currently in planning.

We are programming a league scores tracker where people can add their league scores and it provides progressive average, and graphs showing you how your scores have progressed in the league and other things.

We have got it working in a very basic form, and would appreciate some feedback from users as to how we should improve the program. We will need you to create a league, enter league scores (either pretend or real) for a number of weeks, and take a look at the stats pages.

If you volunteer for this, we would also expect feedback better than "this is good", we would expect you to give your ideas on each feature, and how you would think of improving it or making it better.

If you think you can do it and are up the challenge, send me a private message on here and I will contact you back with some details.


I've had a great response. Thank you to all who volunteered, no more required at the moment.

Thank you
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