Ball weight and brand - Would you swap?


Active Member
G’Day All,

I have another ten minutes free to ask a question. I promise, never to ask where whatever a brand went again. That last thread got off track and a little nasty in the back ground. So I move onto another question, well more than likely three questions as I am looking at buy yet another ball.

1: Ball weights.

How heavy do most use, 13lb 14lb 15lb. I notice that the old 16lb balls are a thing of the past?

Since starting bowling again I have been throwing a 14lb ball. I made that decision as I have a rotator cuff injury that I have been working on and feel that I could move up to a 15lb ball. My accuracy is getting better, I am now throwing six or seven consistent shots per game. I make it a habit that if by the sixth frame the shot has been off I spend the next few frames looking for a better shot. I don’t have the time to practice so sometimes league becomes the practice game.

2: Ball Preference.

I am a complete nut for only liking the same brand in my bag. I bought a Columbia when I started back six months ago, now have three of them. I broke ranks with a Track spare ball. That made it four balls in six months.

Do most stay with the one brand or are they happy to mix it up?

3: Other brands.

If you where looking at a different brand, and did not want to be like everyone else. Example Storm, Columbia, Hammer and the like. What would you buy? Would you be tempted to another second tier brand?

Motiv, Seismic, Lane Master etc?

Thanks for reading?
I personally am using 1 brand, Storm/Roto Grip as do both of my sons. 2 reasons for this - 1. In my opinion they are the best. 2. Because I have excellent contacts to obtain both ball surface/layout knowlege. If I had a 3rd reason, the service is excellent from the supplier. No matter what brand you choose to go with, it is very important that you know what ball you need, what condition to use it on and at the top of the importance list....ball driller!
However at the end of the day, everyone has a personal preference. All manufacturers have entry level, mid level and premium ball ranges. Sometimes an entry level has bang for buck, sometimes the mid range does too but no matter what the ball, make sure it suits your game!!!
Popular weight in today's game are 14lb/15lb balls.
John, are you sure you don't ask these questions in order to do a bit of a stir? Seems to work that way.
Anyhow, I've decided that you're not going to get me in this time, so I'm NOT going to ask "what's the matter with 16lb. balls "? Neither am I going to assert that the heavier the ball, the easier it knocks down pins.
So there. You'll have to rely on others this time to get into shouting matches with each other.

I use a mixture of balls, Colombia, RotoGrip, Dynothane, Visionary & Lane 1.
I like to mix it up.
Don't use Storm only because of the fragrance theme they use.

I have bowlers here that are 1 company only and a few that mix it up so not sure what is best.


Hammer for me. Been using them since the first Faball ball was introduced into this country way back when.

I currently use 15lb balls having dropped from using 16lb balls when all my gear was stolen about 8 years ago now. Gee time flies.
As read on other forum:
"Roto Grip, Columbia, and Storm tend to be more angular reacting Balls, while Ebonite and Brunswick tend to be heavier rolling balls with less angular motion. Just in general this doesn't apply across the board on all their equipment. "

I tend to go for Columbia or Track, because I feel that the balls suit my game better, and Track has skid/snap balls which I prefer. Only problem is that my Columbia Balls tend to crack (after a few years), and my balls are in hot and humid Singapore. So it might be a temperature/weather thing.

I haven't used much Storm equipment, only have a Storm ball collecting dust in my storeroom. Never had balls from other companies, so no comments on that.

I would say you should find a ball/company that suit your game or gives u the ball reactions that you want.
Ebonite 15lb for me. Have owned others, storm, columbia and visionary. But always had the most success with ebonite. All have been 15's though.
John, are you sure you don't ask these questions in order to do a bit of a stir? Seems to work that way.
Anyhow, I've decided that you're not going to get me in this time, so I'm NOT going to ask "what's the matter with 16lb. balls "? Neither am I going to assert that the heavier the ball, the easier it knocks down pins.
So there. You'll have to rely on others this time to get into shouting matches with each other.


Stop It Jim !!!! Everyone knows 16lb balls are heavier than 15lb Balls
Hi All,

Firstly to Jim, no I don’t try to be a stir. I just feel forums are for learning and sharing. So I try to ask a question that comes to me or is topical to my thought at that time. I had a teacher once say, “there are no such things as a stupid questions, only stupid answers. So ask away!”

My question behind ball choice was partially because I am the type of person that believes if you don’t step outside your comfort zone you will never move forward. What I notice is that a lot of people still stick with name brands, but are they really the best, or, do people just never bother trying something else. So six months back to bowling and I see three Columbia balls in my kit and thought I should really try something else before my ways are set.

Hence the question of if not a name brand what would you pick up. What would you be happy to spend your money on that is not in your kit now. If someone said here is $300, what would you choose knowing it’s somebody else money?

These new balls hit so hard at 14lb, would 15lb be better, or too strong.

Who users 16lb balls, more still, is there actually a pro-shop that would carry a 16lb ball now. Speaking to Shaun Cummings before Christmas he mentioned he has to order them in especially or he can’t get them.

Frank, that’s a classic, and the colours a great. The fuel savings on getting to and from the centre is huge.

Thanks again for reading.
I use a mixture of balls, Colombia, RotoGrip, Dynothane, Visionary & Lane 1.
I like to mix it up.
Don't use Storm only because of the fragrance theme they use.
I have bowlers here that are 1 company only and a few that mix it up so not sure what is best.


Each to there own.... but are you serious that you would not use a storm ball because they add fragrance to them? To me thats like saying you wont use a ball because of its colour.
Each to there own.... but are you serious that you would not use a storm ball because they add fragrance to them? To me thats like saying you wont use a ball because of its colour.

Nah mate, colors are fine....I personally can not handle the smell of them, just like I can not handle the smell of most perfumes.

As you said.....each to their own.

I agree with the Storm balls.

When I had the proshop here, I'd walk in the door and think someone had puked Fruit Loops :p

Currently, in my bag I have 14lb'ers... a Visionary, a Motiv and a Global. On a THS, most people that have any sort of decent release can get away with them, because usually there is plenty of friction to get the ball to drive through the pins. While I was righthanded, I went from 16, to 15, to 14 and my carry increased better with the lighter balls, because I actually got some deflection... Didn't leave as many stone 8's and 9's.

16's are still the most popular on the tours. The reason being is most 16's have a lower RG... Ball starts up earlier and is smoother off the end of the pattern. Plus, after listening to some of the ball reps on XtraFrame, the 16's will drop off the "solids" in the oil quicker and not be so over-under on spotty, or carried down backends.

Who am I to argue?
Hey Androo,

Sorry I don't mean to be following you. Just got back to my desk and responded.

I have to admit, when I get the 14lber's off my hand nice they are brutal. Get it flat and the timing out a little and it is nothing short of bloody awful. That was my last week’s league series. Timing a little off and the release a little flat, meant a night full of cold tens.

I have been thinking about going up to the 15lb to maybe get a better roll. Maybe improve my timing a little.

How do you find the Motiv, I really like the look of them. I noticed Jason Doust thowing one in Wollongong late last year. Matched the orange piping in his shirt just nice. And yeah, it hit pretty had too.
The Motiv's are good. I have the first 2 they made, the SX1 and the TX1. Nice a controllable with no flip, which is good since I'm now a "spastic lefty".

The newer balls that Motiv are making are getting stronger, however the make balls to cover almost every oil condition possible.

The smaller companies like Motiv and Visionary make great products... They have to, otherwise they can't compete with the big boys.
Thanks Androo,

I was looking for something different. Maybe Motiv is the choice.

I really like to try stuff that others will not. You just never know how good it could be for you without giving it ago.

Just because everybody uses Brand-X it does not mean its the best. Heck, someone convinced us that Microsoft Windows was the best.
I like to mix up what's in my bag. Different manufacturers have invested big bucks developing covers, which are 65% of reaction, so they get a particular kind of motion range as a result which is tweaked by cores and layouts. It makes sense to take advantage of this.

The Motiv RX-1 (orange ball) is a great league / dry lane ball, so it worked a treat at Strike Zone to blend out the fresh with all that friction. You've gotta keep an eye on when to bag it though. It also come in my pro-shop colours, like the SR-2 (another great ball.) I like a lot of their gear, as it's not too jumpy. But I also throw Columbia, Brunswick, Seismic, MoRich and Storm gear when I see enough oil. Storm balls probably out-hook everything, so they are also very condition specific with my rev rate. Unbeatable when they're on, like everything else around. I'll use a stinky ball if it's the right one, but the Storm balls get their own bag so I don't have to smell that fake smell stuff. I recently read a thread on another forum referring to them as "bath bombs", which I had a giggle at.

Until recently, I'd considered going back to 16lb a few times, as the 15lb-er is just way too easy to overthrow or over-hit at release. Through tweaking my grip and diligent practice, I've trained my rev rate down to a managable level now so that's not so much of a problem.

Maybe the 16lb ball is smoother off the back of the pattern simply because it has more weight to shift sideways. Good ole' inertia.

16lb balls have one great advantage over 15lb balls. That is, the 9 pin is an easier spare than the 10 pin!
Nah mate, colors are fine....I personally can not handle the smell of them, just like I can not handle the smell of most perfumes.

As you said.....each to their own.


I can relate to that.....I was bowling league one night and a member of the opposing team asked where that foul smell was coming from as we were standing at the ball return and I said "my ball smells of blueberry" and the reply was "I cant stand blueberry".
After that response I gladly used my prodigy all night. Sometimes the smell comes in handy on a storm ball :p
Sorry to get a little off topic.
Everyone seems to comment about the sweet smell of my balls, it's become quite the novelty :)
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