A question regarding Tournament Conduct

Cam S

I recently bowled in a tournament where the TD in the briefing stated that if any bowler Clapped their hands (Skitzed) on the lanes they would be red carded. As someone who on the rare occasion when i do bowl well, likes to get pumped up and express my emotions by skitzing i found that rule to be odd.

I asked the TD who is a mate of mine if its a TBA rule and the answer i got was it is under Offence 501 in the rule book "Attempting to gain an unfair advantage".

Personally i just find it to be odd, while i do take my bowling seriously at the end of the day i bowl to have fun.

Just wondering what everyone elses thoughts are on this?
That would have to be one of the worst rules i have ever heard of what a crock i remember when i bowled in a tourny when i was a juniour i came across that rule and told them then that it was a load of garbage and as for "gaining an unfair advantage" hahahahahaha how can you tell me that skitzing is an unfair advantage well thats my thoughts anyway.
It seems to be a question of 'intent' doesn't it. If you are bowling well and having a good time you might clap your hands & make a bit of noise not meaning to put off other bowlers but just from the joy of bowling. :confused:
Isn't this under 'Slow Bowling & Lane Courtesy' just a couple of subjects down in the forum? Why have it twice?
Clapping's fine in my opinion. Skitching with the soles of your bowling shoes on the approaches sh*ts me no end.
Banning clapping is a bit extreme, it's a natural human reaction after making a good shot.
It's all a load of crap. I reckon everyone should be sledging eachother in a tourniment coz its creates atmostphere. If people have a problem with bowlers clapping their hands (skitching) because they're bowling well, then go play lawn bowls.
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