X Games Bowling Demo.


Hi, this is a blatant promo, hopefully members dont object (loudly)

Tuesday we did an XGB Pro Score Demo at Orange Tenpin Bowl, I'd like to thank Aldo & Marissa Belmonte for allowing me to show a few of the bowlers from Orange and Bathurst how an XGB Team Match is played.

Also like to thank Jason Brown who not only helped me put the scoring across the monitors for everyone to see, also gave me some interesting video footage which we'll be including in a Bowler Take Home pack, for people interested in having a crack at XGB as we introduce it around different Centres.
I had a great day, thanks to everyone

So far, it's been more difficult to explain in words, than to show bowlers. A video, along with some printed brochures seems best way around this, then people have a better understanding of the difference in scoring.
I reckon they still get a bit of a surprise at how different their levels of interest and interaction to others playing in the XGB Match compared to a conventional game is.
If you are thinking along the lines of "yeah, different scoring but bowling is still bowling", you too might get a surprise if you find yourself in a Match one day.
I've seen the reaction when people try it for first time, confident enough to say, you might get more out of it than you think.
Orange Tenpin is running a local event on 7th Jan if you live in the area. Call the Bowl for details.
Thanks for reading , Cheers
I was fortunate enough to be about filming a review when this was on and Aldo kindly asked me to play. John Velo had told me the XGames format was a blast, so I was in.

Where a 10 frame game is often slow to open, this format is all out war from the very first ball! :) It was great fun, even for a pacifist like me.

I'll be there on January 7, (breaking my tradition of not throwing a ball in January.)

I'm extremely appreciative of the support shown by Orange Tenpin Bowl for XGB Pro Score©.

This Tuesday 7th Jan,Orange Tenpin is hosting an XGB event. 16 Bowlers are entered and matches begin at 7pm
I'm excited to find out how the event will be received by the competitors and hoping there will be a few family or friends present to watch.

I understand that convincing spectators to watch bowling being played is a hard ask, especially if they have ever watched bowling being played before. The traditional game is very boring to watch on most occasions, so people will have to be convinced at first that this is something different.
Anyone from the area who can come as a spectator, this is your opportunity to be there when the first ever official XGB Event is being played.
Matches are exciting to watch, are pure head to head battles and the scoring is very easy to understand,you always know who is winning and by exactly how much.
I'm not able to live stream on the night, but will try to gather a few pic's and some comments to post.
Will report again after the event.
Thanks for reading !
Hi Pete,

Good luck with tomorrows event. I really hope every body enjoys the new format and you get some great footage to share.

Thank you also to Orange Tenpin for supporting your endeavour.
How did this tournament go?

First up, I need to acknowledge the continued support offered by Orange Tenpin and also thank the 19 bowlers who were prepared to come out mid week and try something completely different, I'm truly grateful.

Tuesday evening's tournament was bowled using a combination of conventional games and then went into a knockout series of matches using XGB Pro Score. I dont have the full results, although can report the final match was bowled between James Hammond and a guy bowling 2 handed in a Storm Bowling shirt. With respect to James, I'd like to report that the match was won by James, but he was not able to triumph over his opposition.
Congratulations goes to the eventual winner, Jason Belmonte. I'm hoping Jason will, in years to come, reflect on his various achievements throughout his stellar career and remember he was the first ever XGB Pro Score Tournament Winner.
I'll certainly remember who won the first tournament using my scoring system, I'm chuffed it worked out that way.

Go ahead and accuse me of being biased, however I thought the tournament went off a treat. Everyone seemed to accept the concept and it took only a few minutes to explain the scoring method to the competitors and the few spectators who attended. I'm particularly pleased that bowlers seemed engaged in their respective matches, they were riding their own shots and interested in each ball their opposition were throwing. There was evidence of light hearted jibes as each bowler remained interested in the match. I heard lots of friendly banter between bowlers and in general, the atmosphere was distinctly different to every other tournament I've ever seen.
The spectators present were able to keep interested in matches because they can see who is winning and by exactly how much, at every stage throughout a match.
If there is any hope of changing the general public's opinion of bowling, it's absolutely essential we have a sport which is inclusive of non bowling interested spectators. We then need to convert those people into fans of the sport, not necessarily into bowlers. If we do that, bowling will become more popular as a modern sport and grow naturally, instead of dying as it currently is.
The reaction on Tuesday night was exactly the difference I have hoped for, my mission is to bring this psychological change in bowling competition to bowlers wherever I can.
So far, I have not been able to add XGB Pro Score into the automatic scoring monitors at Centres but can now run 10 matches simultaneously by using a series of iPads/tablets on each pair of lanes and can broadcast one feature match onto a 40" TV for spectators.
If you are interested in running a knockout tournament using XGB Pro Score, please contact me and I'll make an effort to be available at your Centre, so bowlers have an opportunity to try this for themselves.

Thanks for reading
Cheers, Pete
Sounds great, it's good to mix it up a bit..

If you want to incorporate your scoring into 'normal' system, it might pay to give computer score a call (as there's quite a few centres around using com score) and have a chat to roscoe, this guy is a scoring genius.. If anyone in Australia can do it, it's him..
Roscoe has gotten me out of a few ruts since converting our CRT's to LCD's. Top bloke! I'm fairly sure he could develop a plugin - all the information needed is already fed into comscore anyways. The only possible problem may be certain pinsetters & their short / long cycles, but I think this is over-ridden by a MIB anyways. Still learning the intricacies.

Would really be worth giving them a call, Pete.
Yeh I first met him about 10 years ago when he rocked up at a gs-96 (frameworks scoring) centre I was working at, got his multimeter out and said 'let's go'...

Six hours later and wires all over the place, he had enough 1's & 0's to go back and write the code that com score users now know as gs-x/set pins.. Was great to see the guys again last year for our duo install
Yeh I first met him about 10 years ago when he rocked up at a gs-96 (frameworks scoring) centre I was working at, got his multimeter out and said 'let's go'...

Six hours later and wires all over the place, he had enough 1's & 0's to go back and write the code that com score users now know as gs-x/set pins.. Was great to see the guys again last year for our duo install

To set the record straight, I've been in contact with both Ross and Gary for many months. In their defense, they receive proposals from people all the time, yet they have stated that if I generate sufficient interest in my project, they will look at creating an API to allow both scoring systems to "talk" to eachother.
This will create the situation where competitive bowlers could choose between bowling traditional games or choose XGB Matches for league/tournaments instead. XGB Pro Score will not be made available for recreational/family-fun bowling and will never be seen at kids Birthday parties.
That brings us to this point where, for now, I offer manual XGB scoring via iPad/tablets and run around the country getting bowlers to try it out. So far the response from bowlers has been exceptional despite the difficulties of having to score their matches themselves, not have the grid up on the monitors where they are accustomed to looking and having to bowl in a sequence they have not done previously.
Add to that, we have just gone through the Christmas period where everyone has been away, and you can see it's been frustrating for me waiting to show what I've got.
I promise I'll get better at this video stuff, Tony Drexel might have to give me a few lessons on filming and editing....soon

Have removed the video in the public interest
HI Pete...

was really looking forward to seeing that video when I noticed you posted it. Gotta be honest I didn't expect 2 songs worth of jumpy footage that didn't really highlight what your new way of bowling is all about.

Any idea on when the TBS guys will be done with the work you have done with them showing what the XGB app is all about?

Again apology for my bluntness, just my opinion.
Well, I watched about 3 mins of that video. It looked like people were having fun, but it just looked like any other league. You wouldn't know they were using a different scoring system at all, from that video. Just looked like ordinary bowling.

I realise it was your first event and first video of your product, but if I'm going to be brutally honest, not a great way to sell your product. Would've been nice to hear what belmo was actually saying and perhaps, hear from some of the other bowlers, as opposed to having music play the whole way through. If your gonna sell xgb, you need to really emphasise how it's different from ordinary bowling.

Just my $0.02.
Thanks for taking time to offer honest opinion. I very much appreciate both replies.
So far I've not been able to edit and add a commentary successfully, so has been impossible to create an accurate impression of how XGB differs from the conventional game, unless you are there to experience it for yourself.
you are both correct, I should not have bothered to post the link, considering the poor standard but I did want to have some record of the people who were at the very first example of XGB.
In years to come, when XGB has a Pro Tour, many people will want to claim they were present at the first one, unless your face is on that crap video, you weren't there ..lol
As far as a good example to sell the XGB concept, Tony Drexel has been busy with his regular filming work so my project has not had the final editing completed as yet. I appreciate Tony's help and understand why his priorities have been centered elsewhere.
The final cut will be finished soon, and will be available on the Tenpin Bowling Show's Youtube Channel and available as DVD, part of a "Take Home Bowler Pack" which will be in various Bowling Centres who are introducing XGB into their Centres.

I'm happy to announce
Maitland Superstrike is introducing XGB Pro Score as part of the Newcastle District Championships in March.
Details to be confirmed, however it looks like there will be a single knockout event available to approx 16 Bowlers during the Championships.
The Superstrike Management have been very supportive and this opportunity to showcase XGB at one of their important occasions is another step forward for XGB Pro Score
HI Pete,

no worries, I always say what I think. Mostly means nothing but hey least im taking part in the conversation. Very few do on this forum.

Anyway on a side note, I recall you had some leaflets at Sports Series 6 at Rooty Hill, can you post as PDF in here, might help anyone who wants to have a read understand a bit more.

Apology if you have already put up on this site already.
ok, attempt #2.0
Again apologize for my lack of filming and editing skills.
Before you go to the video, a quick reminder how an XGB Pro Score, match is played.
Scoring is similar to tennis, a Match has Points and Games and Sets
win a frame to win Point.
First to win 2 points, wins the Game,
first to win 2 games, wins the Set.
The Player who wins 2 sets is the Match Winner.

Right lane (called "Attacking" )always bowls first, only one ball,
Left lane (called "Defending" )bowls one ball.
Repeat the bowling order until one player wins the point.
Bowlers change lanes once point is decided.

To win a Point,
X (strike) beats anything else,
9/ (spare) beats 8/ and so on.
Any spare beats an open frame.
If both bowl the same, eg X v X or 9/ v 9/ etc, bowl another frame on same lane until a winner is decided. (this is called a rally)
If both bowl open frame, high total pins is winner.

Matches can consist of any number of points/games/sets.
Matches can be a time limited, player with the most games/points at the given time is declared the Match winner.

Tenpin Bowling Show will soon have a 1hr show on Youtube which was recently filmed in Salisbury SA.
Until then, this video was cut from raw footage from the XGB Tournament at Orange Tenpin on 7th Jan.
Hopefully will give some idea of how XGB Pro Score© is contested.

I'm happy to announce,
On March 1st, as part of the Newcastle Superstrike 4 Centre Championships, XGB Pro Score will be holding a Mini Tournament at Maitland Superstrike.
The event is scheduled to start at 1.15pm where a maximum field of 16 Bowlers will contest the elimination match format. Each bowler will experience at least 2 matches of XGB Pro Score
We will be using a time based match limit of 25 minutes to decide each winner, culminating in a Final between the two undefeated bowlers left after 3 rounds of matches.
This is a "mini" event to showcase XGB Pro Score in the Newcastle region, however everyone is very welcome to attend to observe this revolutionary scoring system in action.
As incentive to be one of the first to come and see Pro Score in action , the first 50 spectators will be presented with a "showbag" which will include explanatory brochure and a NSW Lotteries Scratchy Ticket.

For bowlers interested in participating in the Newcastle Championships, here is the entry form.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24781807/2014 adult Champ Cover.odt
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24781807/Adults Championships Rules Regulations 2014 (2).rtf
Thanks to Tony Drexel, here is the first XGamesBowling demo filmed by The Tenpin Bowling Show, using the XGB Pro Score© System.

All your feedback will be gratefully accepted.

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