Felicty...Accident Report

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After reading all those posts i couldnt believe that someone would say shit like that.
I think that its not a crime to put something on the internet. After all Felicity was in a major car accident and that i think all of Felicity's friends have a right to know what is going on we are all worried about her she is such a brave girl.
Thanks so much Sandi and Tiff for all the updates i know it must have been hard for you. As i have known Felicitys for a long time and i know it was so hard. As Felicity and I have grown up together for years that she is like a big sister to me.
So to the people who think that they should stop this site shut your mouth before someone shuts it for you.

As i know felicity is recovering very well but this site is still for people to send there love to the family.
If you dont want this on the site then stop visiting this site....
Hi everyone
I went and saw flick this afternoon and she is doing really well but as everyone knows all she wants to do is to go home.

Flick has been going on chair walks with mum (Sandi) today down to bridge rd to see some of the shops, and so she could have some fresh air - flick told her mum she had saw legs and sandi was pushing the wheelchair up and down the hill of bridge rd. how's that for being cheeky?

Flick has also been pushing her self too hard in physio because she wants out and has realised that she is allowed to have some pain, which by pushing herself too hard it means she has to take things slowly...to try and recover quickly in the least amount of time in hospital for rehab. Other than that she seems fine and happy.

Well flick you keep on improving don't you?
keep up with the rehab...love ya heaps
Chantal xox
Hey every1

Well Flick went back to the Children's 2day for another hearing test and the results are not too good.......She has less than 7%hearing in her right ear, and 2day she was told that this will not change, but I don't think this has actually sunk in with Flick yet.

But on a lighter note she is being given day release (yes it sounds like she is in prison and at times i think she thinks she is in prison) she is allowed to come home on Sunday for the night. So hopefully all will go well and she will be allowed to come home a few more times.

Bowler_addicted I was wondering if there was a chance Flick could come and stay with you for a bit so that i can have a few hours off..........hehe. :p

Kindest regards and warmest wishes.
you see i think the problem here is that if this ever happened to bowler_addicted, he new he wouldnt get all this attention from the people that care, because ppl simply wouldnt care about a low life with no heart. all i can say is....if u were a child, and had tremendous injuries...do u think u could pull through? Well i know flick can coz she is better than u and most people i know. if u cant put a nice post up, just dont! coz no-one wants to hear your dribble.
Glad to hear your on the imporve flick..we all love you!!!!

Debra xoxox
Murderdoll said:
keep them updates comin in :D
I agree. Well over 9000 views obviously means that A LOT of people care and use this as a way of keeping informed of Felicity's progress. If you ask me, the only thing that should be stopped is posts from these "bowler_addicted" people!
bowler_addicted you are unbelievable.. No one forces you to read this thread every time you log in to Totalbowling...

If you don't want to know what is going on just don't read the posts... simple solution for a simple mind.
Hey guys.....

Can we forget about bowler_addicted.... i fear they might be laughing at the fact we have changed from talking about the good progess that flick is making and focusing on them...
Bowler_addicted will get punished by Graham if he sees fit...

Everyone here has made a comment about them, i think its time we starting talking about flick again and how good it is that solid progress is being made..

Hope to hear more updates from Sandy and Tiff soon,

Well in regards to bowler addicted ...

I like most ppl would love to know who they are....but i just hope they have put a foot wrong and their big mouth has got them into trouble, and like always they don't have much to say other than change the subject which is offensive to the family and friends who actually care. :D

Well keep on improving flick you will be okay soon. and can come home definately. i'll see you soon.
Love chantal
Well in regards to bowler addicted ...

I like most ppl would love to know who they are....but i just hope they have put a foot wrong and their big mouth has got them into trouble, and like always they don't have much to say other than change the subject which is offensive to the family and friends who actually care. :D

Well keep on improving flick you will be okay soon. and can come home definately. i'll see you soon.
Love chantal

Seeing this topic progress from the accident to today really has warmed my heart. To see such a strong willed young lady in Flick with a band of family and friends who would probably give up their own limbs for her really does show how close people in the bowling world are. I have watched this topic with a keen eye hoping that flick gets better. To hear that her hearing is only 7% does break my heart, and i wish her and her family all the best for her rehab.

As for "Bowler_addicted" or whatever the name is, i really do feel sorry for you all, being so cold hearted and all. I dont know Flick or her family but do know that they brave and willing to keep updating everyone on Flicks condition. GET OVER YOURSELVES because this sport and its greater family really dont like people who have want to post heartless comments on a community forum.

Flick sweetie, i wish you all the best and to your Family, stay strong and remember that the Australian Bowling communty are behind you.

Take Care

Bradley Tanner
damn that pin again!S-Girl" said:
Well in regards to bowler addicted ...

I like most ppl would love to know who they are....but i just hope they have put a foot wrong and their big mouth has got them into trouble, and like always they don't have much to say other than change the subject which is offensive to the family and friends who actually care. :D

Well keep on improving flick you will be okay soon. and can come home definately. i'll see you soon.
Love chantal
Hey everyone...

I would like to the first to tell everyone that 6 weeks and 3 days after the accident Flick had her first over night stay at home, and it was wonderful.

My mum picked her up at noon yesterday and she was taken back to the rehab center at 8am this morning.
Flick was really happy to be home (even if it only was for 1 night), we took her down to Keon Park bowl last night and it warmed my heart to see so many people stop and talk to her.

On Tuesday a nurse is coming to Flick's home to see if any changes need to be made so it will be easier for Flick to get around, which means there will be more over nights stays.

That's bout it for now...I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who we no and even people we don't for there wonderful wishes of get well... At a time like this it is amazing to see the bowling family pull together i couldn't be prouder to be a bowler.

:lol: :roll: Tiffani :roll: :lol:
Hey all,

I know I haven't posted in here for a while, so I thought I would say a little something.

Flick, you are truly amazing to have recovered so well and even though, you have a far way to go, everyone will always support you.

I miss you lots and we will speak soon.

Lots of love, Bec
Well flick as they all say you are a truly amazing girl and you keep improving in leaps and bounds.

let's hope you can stay at home indefinately soon, and when that happens, everyone can see you at home and i can't wait for that day as i 'm sure others will agree. Hope to see you soon.

love Chantal
i dont know flick well i jus spoke to her on here...but its good to hear shes getting better...too bad about the hearing tho...but hey flick ur a champ...you always will b a champ...no doubt about that....keep imporoving mate...lots of love and support comin ur way....
Just read the message about people not being happy about us letting people know how Flick is doing . I just hope that no one in their Family or Close Friends have an accident like this . We do have this site to show Flick that she has our love and surport , she is a great person and a champion bowler of the future . This site is for BOWLERS !!!! RIGHT !!!!
Hey everyone

Well the nurses were here on Tuesday and things are falling into place. I will have workmen in my house over the next few weeks to make some minor changes to my house but it will be worth it if it means that Flick can spend a few more nights here with her family.

She has a few more tests this week and at the end of it we will find out if her pelvis is healing properly and if so then she will be out of her wheel chair and on to crutches, she also has a problem with her right eye which has only come to light now that most of the swelling in her brain and the cut in her eye has started to heal.......

But all in all she is progressing amazingly. She will be home tomorrow for the evening and back Monday morning, only one night but it is better than none at all.

Just in closing today, i have been reading some of the posts that have appeared over the past week or so and you have all said what a brave and amazing fighter Flick is but i must say this also................Not only is Flick a fighter but i would have to say that if it had not been for a most caring and loving sister/daughter Flick and I would never have survived this.

To Tiffani thank you for all your help, support and for just being you as you are an amazing young lady............Thanks Sweety, I LOVE YOU.

Hi, just like to post a msg to say that it is fantastic to c Flick around the bowl again.

Especially seeing her walkin around last night at Keon Park!

Keep up the great progress Flick but don't push urself too hard

Love lots
To Sandi & Tiffy PLEASE FORGIVE ME :( i did not mean to leave you both out , i know close hand what you both have been through . You both deserve a medal :D i am proud and honoured to be your friend :D again please forgive me :!: i love you both .
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