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hey guys..
ok, is this topic wanting pplz opinions or what?
All Jenn B, Lefty and everyone else are doin, is giving their opinion

now it's fine for u not to agree with their opinion, and even post why not..

but when i start readin **** like this from BELMO
Jenn B: u just woke a SLEEPING DRAGON... boy are u in **** now!

Ill be waiting for u here in MEL...

i think that's goin a lil overboard
just like lawrey said.. back off

catch ya lata guys
i have read all of your information, and I would have to say that any bowler that threatens on this site should be immediately banned permanently from writing.

Considering who you are 'Belmo', and your fantastic talent as a bowler, threatening my daughter was not very fair or sensible One would hope you would have the decency to apologise.Whether you were serious or 'just joking' as you expect us to think you are, I can assure you it was not appreciated!

I was under this impression that this site was for anyone to voice their own opinions. One would think therefore that everyone is entitled to state how they feel without fear of being abused

Good luck to all of you in future tournaments
Hey peoples,

Ive kept quiet til now hoping that this topic would die down by its self but i guess its time to speak up on a number of issues.

To Spectator,
Thanks for the complement champ, but i don't think im quite up there with the like of jason and jarrod just yet dude.

Cam my man,
two things:
don't sell yourself short dude. youve been bowling f****n awesome for ages and you deserve heaps for the effort youve put in.

secondly im not so sure about the "love hate relationship" between myself and belmo that you mentioned. Guess its those chinese whispers floating around yet again. I don't really know him, and he doesnt know me so i cant comment on him really.

To "im open/belmo"
just cause i won on a condition that was considered easy doesnt mean you can discredit it. To do that would be tarnishing tournament wins such as Mike muirs melb cup win last year, billys the year before, whoever wins anything at Bankstown!

Wouldnt be nice to take out the Melb Cup next week and be told it doesnt count cause its a ditch would it?

Hope this clears some stuff up and people can get on with threir lives now. Everyone is entitled to their poinion, lets leave it at that.

C ya all bright and early on Saturday.

Thanks Lefty, love ya babe.

To just for fun and jenn,

I can see how you could take what was said the wrong way. But for us who know Jez, Belmo and Milkman they are all having a dig at eachother.

They are always like this, wanting to liven up the atmosphere which is good, i think anyway. I am sure it was not meant as a threat but just as a passing line joke (as belmo is a joker anyway) but your not expected to know what he is like until you meet him or any person for that fact. All i can say is don't take it to heart because these fellows would not hurt a fly, they are all great people.

Take care to all
Kim Barry
Im in stiches on the floor!!!

I can see how you could miss understand me for saying
"ill be waiting for u here in melbourne"
i was refering to jarrod

Not sure if you have read the other posts!!!!! I was refering to "how im in melbourne a week early" so im waiting for jarrod to arrive hahahahahahahahahaha

Oh dear!
God dam internet hahaha
As if i would ever threaten or hurt anybody for voicing their "words" hahahahaha

Please i can see how u miss understood me but i really would like you to UNDERSTAND what i meant!

To jenn was a joke about waking a sleeping giant, was refering to a personal joke with Jarrod!
to which he got by the way!
and im assuming jenn B mum.... i really dont think u can assume to the kind of person i am by the post i wrote hahaha
so im not sure if an applogoy is due by fcuk it
ill say one any way!
sorry to all!

excuse the speeling mistakes if there are any...im in tears cause i cant believe anyone would ever think id "bust a cap in their a$re" hahaha

Hey id just like 2 say that i know belmo fairly well and i know he wouldnt threaten no one or hurt no one and as 4 who he was making the comment 'i'll be waiting for u in melb' that was aimed at jarrod coz it was all a big joke about belmo already being there so he went hes there waiting 4 jarrod! but i understand how u took it the wrong way but he didnt mean it like that so dont take it the wrong way plz! thats all i have 2 say!

oh now i understand haha thanx for clearing that up kellzo, i got dajavoo reading yr msg after reading the last 2 hehe

cyas round
Hey All,

Jenn B your apology is accepted, i know this forum is about opinons but that was pretty harsh about the money thing and it really got under my skin as u probably noticed

Jenn B mum.. as it has been cleared up i can assure u belmo did not threaten your daugther all was been refered to me, and belmo wouldnt hurt a fly.. the guy is one of my best friends and i prob know him better then everyone on this forum and i can assure u he is one of the nicest guys u would ever meet (may be cocky but that is just him)

Now may i make a suggestion to milkie do everyone a favour and close this topic down as everyone is picking at little things ppl say and taking it right out of context i am sure everyone has had there say so lets move on.

Hey Belmo see ya in Melb...

take care all.
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