Junior Country Cup 2003

Alicia sweetie keep ya kool! :( haha lol
Its rare that Colac submit a team.....So probably 11 again next year
Geelong is the host centre for 2004, i'll just concentrate on making the team first huh??? lol....someone shoot me!

See everyone soon...cant wait! :p
go my lil champs!

i would just like to say a huge congrats to latrobe valley winning back to back!
and to my two lil champs me lil noof and me lil vc you bowled like champs and im so sorry i wasnt there for you but you kept me updated! kate next year you will have to bowl adults with me so we can bowl together again!
cant wait to see yas again and ill talk to ya real soon! just think kate jnrs is almost over for you too! :( :cry: its all good just means ya as old as me
well keep up the great work and ill see ya soon

love pRiNcEsS
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