First 300 game by a female in Queensland


Warped Total Bowler
Hello all!

I was just wondering when the first 300 game by a female was bowled in queensland. My mother Arlene Stevens bowled a 300 game in Rockhampton, on the 14-10-1992. I was just wondering whether if there were any 300 games bowled earlier then that by a female.

Found this info...R Clarke Rockhampton Qld Mar 1989

Not Sure if that's Rose Clarke or not...Maybe Drewy could confirm this...
Didn't a Alison ?????? roll a 300 at Redcliffe in the late 80's as well?

Could be wrong?

The "R Clarke" 300 in Rocky is actually Rodney Clarke (not the female kind !).

I have a book that lists all 300s in Australia but it only goes upto 1988. Doesn't appear to be any lady 300s in Qld upto that time...

during a course i was doing today
patrik birtig was saying that he has records of all 300's
bowled in australia
he may know

daniel d
The Alison you are talking about is Alison Fisher and yes she did bowl one at Redcliffe and I think it may have been one of the first if not the first but I know they have it on the half pin at Redcliffe so I'm sure somebody from there can tell us when.
Hi Everyone,

Allison was my coach at the time she bowled her 300 game. Redcliffe use to have little plaques above each lane if you bowled a 300 game and yes she was the first, it was on her plaque that she was the first in Queensland.

Have looked through the TBAL website - there is a "A Wood" that shot a 300 game in Oct 88 at Redcliffe - is that the same Alison ? (perhaps a married/maiden name).
Yep, that is the same Alison.....was there that night...great game too....but I thought hers was the second for some reason...could be wrong....
I may well be wrong, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Dale Gray had one in the early 80's. But as I said, I might be wrong.

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