Fairlanes City ~ New Team Member

Bert said:

Every time you sit at your keyboard you seem to go into attack mode. Perhaps your efforts would be better spent back on the lanes instead of the comfort of your computer chair....Anyone can sit in the background and bag and abuse those who make efforts to improve the game....but it takes a true ambassador to step forward and make a hands on contribution to the sport....

And i don't count one of your many "PICK ME FOR CHAIRPERSON" comments as being a hands on contribution....

I would be interested to know if you are even a member of your local association... :?: :?:


In my defense I answer.....

Bert..As I said earlier, I NO LONGER BOWL. My last game of bowling was on August 15th 2002..so I dare say that I don't see a reason to join the local association.

As for my "attacks"..are you trying to say that I should just keep quiet when I see someone being treated unfairly?
Yes, I do have a lot to say regarding the "stupid" easy lane conditions that some ill-informed proprietors are laying down for their bowlers.

I truly believe that I would have made a difference if I were given the chance to run for chairperson of the TBA. I know I sure wouldn't have been dishonest in my dealing with the membership.
Why don't you tell me how happy you were with June's performance...

Each and every time that I've applied for a position within the TBA I have been told that i wasn't qualified to do this or do that..If you know anything about me, then you know it's just a bunch of utter BS! ... It was simply yet another instance of who you know, not what you know. I'm afraid, it appears I'll never fit the mold of TBA personnel who haven't got an original idea of their own.

Now for something completely different!

Congratulations to everyone who bowled a 300 game in 2003. It's ALWAYS a great accomplishment, and no one can take it away from you.

Wayne Chester
(grumpy old man)

Bert..As I said earlier, I NO LONGER BOWL. My last game of bowling was on August 15th 2002..so I dare say that I don't see a reason to join the local association.

If you dont want to show some interest in whats happening in your own backyard, why show such an interest in the national level.... :?: :?: :?: Have you ever heard of the saying..."Clean your own yard before cleaning the local Park"

(well...never have I but it puts the task at hand into respective :shock: :shock: )

Every one knows that you dont become Prime Minister...or for your better understanding President without putting in your penance and time in the local area first....Im sure you will find most representatives on the TBA have put in alot of effort in their Local/State associations before moving on to the national level....

I too was once in your shoes in respect to my local association, but i took the initiative and am now a member of both my local and State committee's. Its at these levels, i hope to make a difference and better the sport in my local area....

Each and every time that I've applied for a position within the TBA I have been told that i wasn't qualified to do this or do that..

Well perhaps there was someone more qualified than you at the time....I dont know many people who have at some stage of their life been told "Thanks, but No Thanks" when it comes to applying for a job/position...

I truly believe that I would have made a difference if I were given the chance to run for chairperson of the TBA.

Did you nominate at the recent AGM ??? I have it from a reliable source that you received a personal invitation to attend/nominate from the TBA. Did you action that invitation...

I'm afraid, it appears I'll never fit the mold of TBA personnel who haven't got an original idea of their own.

You say that the TBA have no ideas of their own...then why not be like a true political wanna be...and announce your ideas over the forum...Start a new post on "Waynes future for the Sport"...and let people see what you have planned for the future...if it is truely a step for the betterment of our sport then we will be only fools to ignore your suggestions....until then people will only see you as more of a thorn then a path to better management of the sport.

If you do take up this offer, remember to be diplomatic and constructive with your comments...not a full on attack at the present administration and the way they run the sport....

Wayne I used to think that easier scoring conditions did not do the game any good. I have since learned to modify my thinking to accept that in given circumstances it is not such a bad thing. We all know there are 3 vastly different areas, open play, league and tournament.
For years and years Centre Managers have been earbashed about conditions, it is the oldest known complaint in bowling.
Now they finally decide to do something about it and they still can't win.
My centre doesn't have a Kegel but I would be quite delighted if they were to get one, I'm not going to grumble if my average does go up a few pins.
I am fully aware that I can never match it with the real bowlers of this world, but like thousands of other ordinary A and B grade bowlers I contribute every week and I am delighted if my average goes up. So it was an easier condition that week. So what? I still tried my hardest.
So what if the league averages all over the world do go up?
Tournament is still the only true challenge, and that is where the conditions should be regulated.
In 45 years of bowling I have only seen one person give the game away because he thought it too easy.
So what if the average league bowler in the States has got a 210 + av?
Its only league, lets see him do it in a strange centre on tournament conditions.
And as for not renewing your membership, that is obviously your right. However that puts you firmly in the ranks of open play bowlers. Enough said.
Kegels is W.A.

As at this stage there are Two Kegel Sanction Machines in Western Australia, the first is at Kelmscott Bowl, a Standard Elite, and the second a Kustodian at Fairlanes in Perth. My comments are directed for towards both centre managers and Lane Maintance people, and as the lane maintance and lane pattern programmer for Kelmscott I can answer my own quetions for kelmscott.

Question 1 : What is the oil pattern that is used for league play
Q2: do you put a different oil pattern for any league other than the one mentioned above,
Q3 : For the 300's games bowled in each centre, what patterns were used, and what linage was bowled on the lane before each one
Q4 ; What oil and cleaner is used
Q5 : are you prepared to put a particular pattern down for training purposes, if so, how much notice do you need, and is there any extra cost involved
Q6 : is either centre willing to put 3:1 ratioTBAL tournament Pattern down for any league or tournament

Answers From Kelmscott

Q1 : for the most part of 2003, we were using we got given from King on bowltech fourm, it was a 10:1 ration pattern. However this year we are looking at putting down a 2:5:1 or 3:1 TBAL Ranked event Compliant pattern for our leagues in 2004

Q2 : Not at this stage, but if any league would like a different pattern other than the standard, we will do so.

Q3 : For our 300 bowl by Phil Gorman , our pattern was the Standard Pattern 1 (i can send out a copy of pattern 1 for people who do not know)

Q4 : We use Prodigy Oil and Fizzion cleaner mixed to a Ratio of 8:1

Q5 : Yes, we are prepared to put down a specific pattern for any bowler or team, if given 1 days notice, if less than one day notice it will cost $20.00 and only be availble if I am there, as i am the one that programs the lane machine

Q6 : As mentioned before, we are looking at the playability of our recently developed 3:1 ratio pattern, if it looks resonable that is the one that we will be using for our leagues this year in 04

Ian Jones
Kelmscott Tenpin Bowl
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