Fairlanes City ~ New Team Member

Fairlanes Experience Last Night

I bowled league at Fairlanes last night on the new condition.
My 4 man team bowled lower averages than normal on the new condition.
We all thought there was a lot more oil on the lanes and the back ends were tight, we all moved right and pointed the shots to compensate for the lack of hook.
The good thing about last night was the dreaded Fairlanes out of bounds was gone along with the huge hook inside of it.
Looking at the scores across the league it was obvious that no one type of bowler had an advantage on the condition, so to me the condition was what i call neutral.
My team will now adjust the highly polished surfaces on our balls and do a little practice down there to match the equipment to this new condition.
So in other words, Sandor, WA has finally got oil on the lanes...? This would be a good experience, especially for people who are in Rachuig, Walter DeVeer and future shield teams, as you can practice, bowl on the conditions that the easten state centres put down, i.e Forest Hill. Us shield bowlers, although we did good i thought, had never bowled on that much oil, or that type of condition before. So I think it would be a good experience for everyone...

Just my thoughts
yeah lets forget about technology

Hands up who wants a LT4B & Roto-Star X2

Bowl on Water Base Laquered lanes

with 4lb pins and oil to 45 feet


Hit the pocket all day for 8 but then it will only cost a penny for each game

we'll drive our FJ down the bowl, receive our telegram for our b/day, watch those great black n white shows(hang on only black n white)
Get our beer out of the ice box, man the good ole days

One good thing would be no internet then we wouldnt here all this negativity about advancement, we'd only here it on the wireless.

Have fun Fairlanes with ur new & old toy, really dont whats better the Kegel or Daryl i think Daryl takes the honours

GOOD LUCK KEGEL & DARYL, I hope ur both successful in ur new house
Hey Al!

Im going to trade my Pajero in for a FJ tomorrow, that ABS & Power steering are driving crazy! Got love those 6 point turns in a FJ, and hitting the Kerb when you brake in the wet.

Thanks Scoops....

This post was to meant to get that type of reply...

Except Im thinking the Kegel is slightly ahead of Daryl.....
awwwwww come on..... Daryl is doing well - gettin the hang of things - he'll be better than the Kegal in no time :wink:
Week 2

Our team bowled again last night, this time we turned up with sanded balls!

The lanes were the same as last week - very tight with scores not much better than week 1 but at least our balls got into a roll in the back ends this time

Time to adjust the balls again

Can't wait for Week 3
Scoops, Bowltech & Sandor..please read!

To Scoops, Bowltech and Sandor....and evertone else who cares about the future of bowling in Australia.

It is just this kind of dunderheaded thinking that has got our industry in the mess it's in. By your line of thinking, all lanes should be walled up so that novices can shoot big numbers without learning even the basics of the game and without practising or getting instruction. Let the 180 bowlers shoot bogus 300's and average 220. Allow the more experienced bowlers to shoot 300's at will. Let them post season averages of 240, 250, or even 260.

THEN, we should publicise this fraudulent insanity to keep experienced bowlers happy, and to recruit new bowlers.

WELL that is exactly what fools like you, the TBAL, WTBA, ABC/WIBC, BPAA and much of the leadership in our industry have been doing for the last 25 years. Look how well it has worked!!!

If we keep following the logical progression of your thinking, instead of 40,000 300's per year thrown by 2.5 million US bowlers, we will have 100,000 300's per year bowled by less than a million bowlers in the USA--why not?--one 300 for every 10 bowlers --including seniors, women, and novices. That is not a sport!!! You are the one who has been brainwashed!!!

What you guys are describing is recreational bowling, and there is nothing wrong with glow bowling, lousy bowler leagues, holiday leagues, and any format which brings bowlers to the lanes.
But, don't confuse this type of bowling with bowling as a SPORT.

Our proprietors and the powers that be in America, the ABC/WIBC/BPAA etc. have spent vast sums of dues monies...many, many millions of dollars, over the last 25 years promoting bowling as easy, fun and something that anybody can do....which is true!

They, and guys like you, have spent huge amounts of time and money trying to recruit new bowlers each season to join the national and world membership organisations, but the facts are that 70% of all new league bowlers quit within their first season. Plus over 10% of existing bowlers leave our sport every year.
So all we are really trying to do is replace some of the ex-bowlers with new recruits. But as any marketing person can tell you...it is a whole lot cheaper, less time consuming and a lot easier to KEEP existing bowlers than to recruit new ones. But, what have our proprietors done to keep existing bowlers happy so they want to return next season? In most centres, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED INTO BELIEVING THAT HIGHER SCORES WILL KEEP THEM RETURNING...and keep them from going to the lower scoring house down the road.

Not better service, not cleaner facilities, not more competitive conditions that keep the higher average bowlers from totally dominating their leagues with bloated averages. Not clinics, or promotions designed to improve their skill levels.

Let's just imagine for a minute that your centre has done a fantqstic recruiting job and league participation numbers are up in the upcoming season. The battle has been won..but what about the war? What will you do to ensure that they have an enjoyable and fun experience in league bowling so they will return? Will you be setting up a mandatory orientation session which would teach new bowlers about lane courtesy, league fees, how to score, encourage them to go to the pro shop and purchase equipment that fits, or make sure they are in a league with bowlers of commensurate abilities? NO, you won't--that's the proprietor's job, right? WRONG!!!!
That is why 70% of new bowlers quit each year. They are signed up with enthusiasm, then put in leagues with experienced bowlers-...often including many high average players...given no instruction, and usually placed on the team with the guy (or couple) that nobody else wants to bowl with, they get their butts kicked every week, their hands hurt because they are using house balls or nobody has told them that your supposed to put the middle two fingers into the holes. These very same new bowlers are sometimes derided for lack of courtesy for walking up on another bowler, and made to feel embarrassed as their team is 100 points out by mid-season. Bowling, for them, suddenly is no longer fun and becomes a hated, sometimes painful chore and often an embarassing commitment. It is no wonder most quit!
It is more a testament to the beauty of our game that 30% do return. Most because they enjoy the social atmosphere of a night at the lanes. While you applaud the fact that bowling is on the rise because of glow bowling--how many of those glow bowlers become regulars, buy equipment, take lessons, or can be counted upon to come back over and over? Some, to be sure. But, many proprietors have found that glow bowling is in fact a fad. While it has certainly enhanced many centre's bottom lines, when the novelty has worn off, and the new cool trend is in vogue, how many new recreational centres with weak league bases will be decrying the loss of their guaranteed lineage? It is already happening in some centres, and will get much worse as glow bowling goes through the cyclical life of all 'fads'. Their certainly is an important place in our sport for the casual bowler, but the league and tournament player has been the backbone of our sport for over 100 years, and unless the losses of our most loyal participants/customers are stabilised, it will be a very rude awakening for those owners who have staked their considerable investments on the whims of casual bowlers with no emotional attachment to our SPORT.

If you doubt my qualifications or experience on this subject, I have been involved in the bowling industry for 30+ years, as an top-elite bowler, centre manager of four different bowls, certified instructor, pro shop owner and board member of several trade organisations, as well as being either sec'y/treas. or president of virtually every league I have bowled in for over 30 years.

Before any of you ask ..Let me tell you more on what I am doing to ensure that our sport doesn't disappear completely.

I have recruited hundreds, if not thousands of bowlers, over the last 30+ years in my capacities as league coordinator, centre manager, instructor, as well as a pro shop owner.
Every day, I dealt with new bowlers. My shop specialised in new bowlers by offering highly affordable beginner bowling packages...$189.95 for a first-quality plastic ball, sneaker-type shoes, and a name-brand bag. We offered affordable instruction, and we sponsored beginner leagues.

As a league officer for over 30 years, as well as a former pro shop owner , I assure you that I have recruited, and continue to recruit new bowlers on an ongoing basis. But, unlike most proprietors and TBA and or local association reps, I don't stop there. I am actively involved in orientation, instruction, and speaking with the new bowlers, and sponsor a league for beginners each year.

These new bowlers aren't thrown to the wolves as most of your recruits will be. Another question for you, though. Even when the bowlers are recruited, why should they join the TBA any longer? They would be paying dues to bankrupted, even corrupt organisation whose officers are more interested in maintaining their free trips to Nationals and their petty positions of power than promoting our sport. Of course, with bumper bowling lane conditions, even novices might be able to bag one of the mystery awards for their bogus high score! Maybe, that would get them to return next year?!?

I'm sure UPYOURS that your statements to Scoops, Bowltech and Sandor....and evertone else who cares about the future of bowling in Australia will encourage a very positive response. You obviously are the only person in the whole of Australia, just a minute, the world that knows everything there is to know about the sport or cares. If your comments here reflect your personality then I would not be surprised to find you have no friends. You constantly heat simple topics up by your opinions. Bowling is both a sport and a recreation. Most bowling centres are profit based, hence a business wanting to make money. IF you knew anything about marketing a successful business you would be familiar with the words "LOOK OUTSIDE THE PICTURE" or "DIVERSIFY". You are apparently very disilusioned by the whole thing so walk away from bowling and get involved in something else and be less negative and enjoy your life.

Up Yours

I think you have a problem, get it seen too

My suggestion is give up bowling (you won't be the first)
I agree with Upyours 100% on this one. He speaks the truth. Not wanting to get too personal Sandor, but why do you dispute what Upyours is saying? I've lived most my life in the States and I can vouch for those numbers. Bowling my friend is in a deep downturn...Let's all get behind an organized effort to right the ship.

Anyone wishing to help me in this effort can write me an email and I'll respond in kind.

Wayne Chester
My avatar is simply what I am. I'm an American citizen who lives in Australia. I should hope you can understand the meaning of my picture now.

If not, then maybe you should explain to everyone why you find it offensive. I love both countries for what they represent..which is freedom of choice. Choice to do, say and be whatever you desire. Feel free to email me if you'd like further discussion on this subject.

Wayne. You agree 100% do you?
That those guys are dunderheads?
That nobody is allowed to bowl well unless they practice heaps?
That lousy bowler leagues are not a sport?
In my experience I have found the serious bowler who constantly complains about 'conditions' etc are few. I see more successful leagues being the fun, family type league where a team may be 3 generations of the same family or workmates or 3 people brought together only by being in the same team. They never complain because the centre is tidy, presentable, service is good and they have a good game once in a while. You want to tell them they aren't playing a sport? Its all about having fun. It seems you don't have a proper understanding of the bowler chain. Talk to a successful proprietor/manager and they will enlighten you to the current situation. Some bowlers happen to be so dedicated that they practice and aspire to compete on higher levels and that's great too.
If anyone is looking at changing the world then do so and be positive and you will gain support.
Don't be negative or offensive ...... its very unflattering.
If UPYOURS and Wayne feel so passionate about their comments then do something that will gain the bowlers support.
Wayne I used to feel quite neutral regarding any feelings for or against America.
However the sight of the American flag draped over an outline map of Oz really seems to sum up the current attitude of your country towards Australia.
We are not one of your distant States or far flung Colonies despite the attitude of our present government .

This post is about Fairlanes and their new Kustodian Lane machine. If you wish to get political please do it via your personal e-mail.

Social bowling is what eventually gets a center League bowlers.
The beauty of a Sanction Technology Lane machine is that it allows a center to accomodate all types of bowlers/Leagues.

As Sandor has mentioned (with his team) using a Sanction Technology machine does not give anyone necessarily an advantage, but rather puts everyone on a level playing field where they now have to look at their equipment and method of play to get ahead.

After 22 years as a Lane Man/Technician who has seen a lot of changes take place in technology of the game, I believe it is time to
stop blaming the lanes, the oil, the center management, and accept the fact that 99% of the time it is us the bowler that makes the mistake. As i have mentioned before on the day your competitor is bowling on the "SAME" condition. If he wins and you lose, and cannot accept that fact, then this game is not for you!
Mr Upyours!

With your attitude of 'right or wrong, im right' and using "Upyours" as a signature name, as far as i am concerned you lose all your so called qualifications. As far as i am concerned this is most probably how you treat those new bowlers, that centers try to recruit but give up because they are treated disrespectfully on the lanes, made to bowl with someone else less capable, rather than taking them under your wing and helping them.

Also in 22 years of bowling maintenance i find i am learning new things everyday.

You so called "experts" say you know all about Lane maintenance. Well i disagree unless you have used from a spray bottle to a Sanction Machine and every type of equipment in between, that you can say your even 1/2 experts.
Bowltech...Please understand that I HAVE used a spraygun and have even "conditioned" lanes with an oil soaked towel pushed down the lanes with a broom. I've oiled with a B90, Century 100, Century 300, DBA Lanewalker, Phoenix, and yes..even a Kegel Sanction Machine. Len Nicholson was my teacher and mentor..and if you've never heard on Lenny, then you are just an ostrich with your head stuck in the sand.

I've bowled competitively on four continents including a win on the PBA tour as well as winning titles in Australia. My bowl management background spans over 25 years, both in America and here in Australia. I've drilled thousands of bowling balls in my lifetime...

So don't you question ME about my qualifications. Unlike Upyour, my name is at the bottom of this post..where is yours?

Wayne Chester
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