Cara, Maxine & the Industry proud!


BowlAustralia's Pro Bowlers Clinic held at Castle Hill earlier today proved to be an outstanding success. The bowler's participating in this event were full of praise for the generosity of these Ladies who represented our Sport magnificently through their professional presentation and patience on the lanes. Cara, Maxine and Michelle did a fantastic job! Thanks ladies....(next time around we'll need 30 Lanes).
Roy Menachemson
Managing Director - BowlAustralia :D
I hope this is a first of many. In every sport we need stars for the youth to aspire to, learn from and dream. To have the stars put something back into the sport is a win win for all people involved. Good job organising everything Bowl Australia, look forward to seeing more!
Thank you BowlAustralia for organizing this visit by the ladies. One thing that I did notice, however, was that some of the participants didn't take the constuctive criticism very well. This was a clinic after all, and if you leave yourself open for scrutiny, then you should accept that some aspects of your physical game might be flawed, and that it is much easier for a third party to recognise and help you correct your problems. Overall, the attitudes of the majority of people was good, and it only takes a few sour apples to ruin the bunch.

Once again, the ladies were very professional, and I think some of the attendees should aspire to act just as professional.

As a junior myself I would like to say that I think it is great that they put this on...great work. In regards to some of the bowlers overreacting...I wasn't there so I have no idea what happened really. Some allowance must be made for frustration, no doubt about it, but if it was starting to cross the line then that isn't good at all. Constructive criticism can be hard to take...but in the end they are only trying to help the bowler's game and that must be put into perspective by the bowlers.
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