Book of shame from Elizabeth, South Australia


I thought I might as well enter some book of shame entries for the S.A. U/23's two weekends ago:

Clinton Phelps left 2 x 8-10 splits. His soft pansy shot is to blame for that

Funny thing is, I left one myself :^)

And one of the most unusual splits Ive seen for a while has to be the 4-5-7-10 split some girl left in the matchplay final. I dont remember her name, but we can thank the lovely racks at Elizabeth for that one

I'm sure cracker has got some entries of his own to add.
2 x 8-10 Splits?????

Ill own up to one and one only - (Not that I want to hehehe)

An 8-10 leave does not make the book of shame if the 2pin just falls......

We give you something as simple as the book of shame, and you still manage to screw it up!!!!! LOL

alrite if u thought u23's at Elizabeth was bad u didnt c the state championships out there we had break downs in practise and u had 2 wait 4 wat seemed hrs 2 get a pin up fun

Elizabeth were so **** in the under 23's there was brake downs on lanes 22-23 i think like after every 2 frames
and they had some poor pin reaction..
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