Australian Open Squad registration

I will be taking squad bookings for the Australian Open through this thread so please leave your name and squad(s) preferences.

Updates will be released regularly.
Tony Goodwin
Please put down George Frilingos, Jason Belmonte, Brandon Qualifchefski and Jarrod Lean down for the 4pm and 6.30pm squads on Friday.

I would personally like to commend Tony and AMF Australia for adopting this 'Euro' style format. This format is almost identical to most tournaments found on the European Bowling Tour. This successful formula not only boosts prizefunds but allows the bowlers several chances to make the final. For interstater's its a great draw card.

Desperado squads are a lot of fun, watching bowlers have that one last crack is a huge crowd pleaser. You really have to see it to appreciate how fun it is.

The best of 3 format is great. It's exciting and it really makes each shot count. Crowd's love the match up's, just like tennis, the longer into the tournament the more exciting the matches.

I really hope bowlers not only see value in this event ($150 to bowl in one of Australia's Top events) but support it accordingly. How many chances do you get to win $2500 for just $150 outlay and gain experience against Australia's best? If you don't make it, try again, 28th is $400, you can still double your money.

Hoping this is one of many to come......

Can u put Gary Zanoni down for Friday 14th at 4.00pm and 6.30pm.


Could you please put Christian Purdue & Christopher Harvey into the following squads;

Friday 14/4 - 4pm & 6.30pm

Saturday 15/4 - 11am


Christian Purdue
Hi Tony,

Please put me down for the 4pm and 6:30pm squads on the Friday and the 4pm squad on Saturday.


Tim Reichel.
Hi Tony,

Can you please put me down for squads 2, 4 and 5? Thanks in advance!

Evert Ballesteros
Probably just a quick reminder about booking multiple squads.

If you pay and book for more than 1 squad and you don't need to use that squad you have 2 options

a. Sell the squad to someone
b. Get a refund (this is common in Europe as squads tend to fill fast)

So in summary, you won't lose money if you book and pay for several squads.
tony goodwin said:
I will be taking squad bookings for the Australian Open through this thread so please leave your name and squad(s) preferences.
Updates will be released regularly.
Tony Goodwin
Hey Tony, sounds like a great format for oz open,something new.What ashame I cant make it. I,m playing golf in fiji, Want to come. Good luck with the new format
Regards Lovey
Can you put me down for friday at 4pm and 6.30pm please

Peter Formosa
Hi Tony,

Can you please book Matt Francis, Drew Charlton, Andrew Blissett, Greg Piper and Jan Nordin in for Sat 15th at 8.30am, 11.00am and 1.30pm


Hi Tony,

Could you please put me down for squads 1, 3 & 4.


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