E E elsie Apr 19, 2010 Hey Steve, you were bowling brilliantly in Orange ! Must be the country air ... pls call me as I want to mention you in the Release I'm doing .. my number is 9999 2210 (sorry, I've lost your number!)
Hey Steve, you were bowling brilliantly in Orange ! Must be the country air ... pls call me as I want to mention you in the Release I'm doing .. my number is 9999 2210 (sorry, I've lost your number!)
S S Susanne Feb 14, 2009 Hi Lovey Did get it a bit late because somebody read it and didn't tell me but have changed my password so that should fix that. Have taken you out of the final lineup which will be posted early next week. Regards Susanne
Hi Lovey Did get it a bit late because somebody read it and didn't tell me but have changed my password so that should fix that. Have taken you out of the final lineup which will be posted early next week. Regards Susanne