2009 Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Membership Benefits Announcement

Do any of the State Associations have any comment on the proposed fee structure? I havent seen anything as yet

I'm not so sure that the State Associations have very much to comment about regarding the actual fee structure.

It affects the Local and Regional Associations more than the State bodies. The State bodies are being allocated money, whereas in some cases the Regional and/or Local bodies will actually have their income reduced.
What really upsets me is the "average" bowlers again being used as the pawn to "rescue" for the failure of TBAL. But again do they have a choice?
Let's give this a go for now and see how it fans out. If it fails, you guys can "stone" them.
Best wishes to our new CEO for her courage and boldness to make a change. And also for her humility to approach all concern to give our sport a future.

What really upsets me is the "average" bowlers again being used as the pawn to "rescue" for the failure of TBAL. But again do they have a choice?
Let's give this a go for now and see how it fans out. If it fails, you guys can "stone" them.
Best wishes to our new CEO for her courage and boldness to make a change. And also for her humility to approach all concern to give our sport a future.


I'll second those sentiments Alex.

I think the biggest issue in the proposed fee structure like Andrew pointed out is the fact that the Local Associations are going to have the available funds that they have dramatically reduced and yet I suspect that the TBA would expect them to maintain their current services.

This is not a viable nor practical scenario.

Now I'm all for our sport moving forward and commend the courage of the new CEO. However I think a bit more input from the people who really know what is happening out their and what the general bowling populous want was what was really required not a beuracratic review process. If that had occured then maybe a more realistic balance of what was to be provided to the TBA and kept by local associations out of the new fee would have been arrived at. This would have probably mean't that this thread would not have been as long as it has been.

I would have quite happily accepted a two tier compulsory fee structure consisting of the following:

Registration fees (Compulsory not voluntary):

TBA Registered League Bowler [TBARLB] (Not involved in any tournaments or events that are run by Local associations outside of their local associations area) $25.00 (TBA: $10.00 Local Association: $15.00)

TBA Registered Competitive Bowler [TBARCB] (Allows bowler to compete in Tournaments conducted outside of their local association area) $40.00 ($50.00 if you count the $10 they have already payed in their TBARLB fee)

If the bowler holds a TBARLB and wants to compete in an event they must pay a $40 fee to upgrade their Registration to TBARCB status.

Basically the structure is that all bowlers pay $15.00 to their local association and $10.00 to TBA. Now any bowlers wanting to compete on a truly competitive basis would pay an additional $40.00 to TBA. This can be done at the same time they register in their league ($65.00) or when they front up for a tournament at a later date ($40.00).

In Summary the full TBA Registration fee for a TBARCB will be $65.00 while the full TBA Registration fee for a TBARCB will be $25.00. TBA will get either $50 or $10 depending on the interests of the bowler and the local association will get $15 per bowler to help maintain or expand on their current services.

I would be surprised if anyone reckons this structure was too expensive or didn't provide enough to the local association.

If a bowler is not interested in the competitive aspect of bowling outside of their local area then they are just paying a small amount to TBA and if they do decide to take it up more competitvely then they pay up the additional fee at that time and not before.

I think this would keep all bowlers despite their level of interest contented. What do other people think?

Well done on your post.

I think that you have given it a lot more thought than the people who have put in the new system.

Just a few points:

1. Lets give TBA a chance, they have the right idea in mind, and i think the changes they have planned will help revive our sport.

2. The new system is good, it unifies discounts, provides cover for members, and in comparison to other sports, is still relatively cheap for membership.

3. Things have changed a bit since the 1980's, everything is a little more expensive now, and if we wanted a rewards system, everyone would be paying $500 a year as now anyone can bowl a 300, its not as hard as it used to be.

I think everyone needs to show some support for these changes, its definately a step in the right direction. It takes time to change things, and you cant expect a perfect system to be developed in 12 months. What the average league bowler wants, isnt going to be the solution for our sport.

Just on a closing note, dont be fooled if you think only a slight portion of your fees will be directly benefiting you, all of it will, making changes costs money, and forking some extra cash out now will help develop TBA into a more funtional organisation in the future.

Maybe you didn't notice that earlier this year I nominated for a position on the TBA board, flew to Sydney for the AGM and received the cold shoulder from all the voting delegates. So until the day that the incumbant board is decidely changed to include members who want change, I'll just continue to voice my opinions on Totalbowling for all to read?

I know you put your hand up earlier in the year. Werent you the only one. Seems to me it would take more than just 1 person to stand against them or you will get shot down every time.

And that's the main problem isnt it Wayne, everybody seems more than happy to whinge, b.i.t.c.h, piss and moan about everything on Totalbowling but when it comes down to it thats all there prepared to do.
How many of these people complaining are going to be standing alongside you for positions to try to change things the next time you put your hand up for the job.

Now what is it that you're doing to make a difference?

Iv'e not been on here complaining since the 2009 membership's were announced. Spent last 20 years on committee's. Certainly not interested in spending the next 20 years banging my head on the wall.
To old. To tierd. To close to retiring.
Seems like it should be the younger ones that should be stepping up if there not happy with the direction the sport is heading. It's there future thats threatened.
Wayne you can hardly call the Board 'incumbent'

2 of the bowler positions changed with Bruce Morris and Gordon Little being elected, and since then Kevin Brawn has resigned and Cara Honeychurch came on to the Board.

Roy Menachemson was replaced by Jordan Rogers, and Peter Stenning was replaced by Jamie Taafe.

So in effect this is almost a brand new Board.

I am not known for my defence of our National Board and in the past I may have uttered the odd occasional word of criticism, however I feel it is time to move on and to give these people a fair go.

Its no good getting upset because you weren't elected Wayne (thats how its coming across) - that was down to the delegates.
Sure the new Board is not perfect yet, but they are trying. Perhaps a little more tolerance on our part will go a long way.
Terry, where does the State association fit into this structure?


Good question Graeme. Here is what I think.

I assume the role of the State Association is to oversee the conduction of State Championships and State representative teams. IF I have omitted anything please let me know.

Given my assumption is correct then I expect that:

1. TBA administers Ten Pin Bowling Australia wide ensuring all necessary infrustructure is in place to advance the sport (i.e. Coaching, Nationals program, pathways etc.).

2. Local Area Associations look after the day to day tasks of overseeing league and bowler registration, and providing bowler awards and area championships etc.

3. A nominated representatives from each of the Local Area Associations within each state or territory is apointed to the State Association. All nominated reps meet and through mutual means determine an executive structure for the State Association. They then oversee the conduction of State Championships and all arrangements required to facilitate the determination of both Adult, Youth and Junior representative teams (i.e. Rolloffs, Coaching & Manager Appointments, Fundraising etc.).

Anyway that is my take on where State Associations sit in the scheme of things.

That sounds terriffic....

It would actually be sensational for there to be a "Roles and Responsibilies" put in place. Apart from some real general stuff in the TBA rule book (aroun rsponsibiliy for running local tournaments", there aint much, so that is where so much of this confusion comes from.

I remember Alex Popov suggest that TBAL would put together a "Memorandum of Understanding" which would be an agreement between the TBAL and association as to responsibilities, etc.
This never occurred, although is still more than a requirement...

Increasing fees, changing board members, the Delphi Consensus Review - well these do not resolve a key problem - a lack of communication, and a lack of agreed roles and responsibilities, two things more important than a new fee structure...

The trouble with a public forum like this is that it seems only those with a gripe about something seem to post, and gives a false impression that "everybody" is not happy.
This thread has been running for 5 pages and I've seen a handful of people complaining against 4000+ members who are not.
There have been some good points raised (probably none better than Hamishs' post) but this is a starting point for change and if we care about the sport we should get behind the current board and support them

I was told today by a higher power that this move will basically kill our local associations like MTBA and CTBAM and they are :mad::mad::mad:
Local Associations will find it harder but then it is up to the Local Associations to put it to their members as to how they will manage. Like everyone else they will need to tighten their belts and review their membership rewards.

The proposed insurance covering injuries occurring during TBA accredited sporting events ie games, competition & training, travel to or from such events, and while staying away from home for such events sounds a good thing but we will need to wait until full details appear on the TBA website to see exactly what is covered. We had looked at trying to obtain some sort of insurance cover for injuries sustained while bowling but as an association the cost was excessive.

For those that say the bowl has cover for personal injuries. You are only covered if the Bowl was negligent in some way. Most injuries I know of happen because of accidents not because of negligence.
It appears that depending on how members vote at the AGM's that both the Melbourne Associations may decide to go it alone without TBA.

This is not ideal for the sport but until TBA wake up and smell the roses so to speak and pull in their attitude when communicating with associations then this will probably end up being a common outcome.

The truth of the matter is the TBA needs the associations and not the other way around, however, by their attitude when they meet or communicate with the associations you would realize that they just don't get this. I think this is a big cause of the reason the TBA is not going to last that long in its current form.

Unfortunately despite progress this is still an over the counter age despite what the TBA may like to think. The idea that league bowlers in general will go on the net to acquire their sanction cards is still about a decade to early. The majority of bowlers still want service for money and will not except that a majority of the money they pay up provides no tangible return to them.

I am going to attend one of the AGM's this Sunday and I believe the other one has already been held.
The membership fees that we pay to TBA are nothing compared to some other sports. Go and play softball and your likely to pay upwards of $200 each year to be affiliated. I would love to only pay $27.50 for membership at my golf club.

I will gladly pay what they require, as long as it is been used properly.

Your Golf Club has to maintain the course and the greens TBA does'nt have to maintain the lanes or pindecks
We may agree and disagree which is a healty debate. But at the end of the day, we should support them. Why?? Because they are our NATIONAL BODY. Just like every other sport/body, we need to have a body to look after our game. That's fact of life. We may not like with some of their decision makings but tell me which other sport is perfect ;)
Just my two cents worth.
We may agree and disagree which is a healty debate. But at the end of the day, we should support them. Why?? Because they are our NATIONAL BODY. Just like every other sport/body, we need to have a body to look after our game. That's fact of life. We may not like with some of their decision makings but tell me which other sport is perfect ;)
Just my two cents worth.

Alex you're right to state that nothings perfect. However I would suggest that if we are going to accept an imperfect solution then let's make sure it is the right one and it benefits the maximum amount of bowlers not just a minority.
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