2006 Mackay Junior Cup

LOL Jen I was thinking that today when I had alook... Thought u might of said something... Hehe
Latest Squad listings

1. Taylor Roberts- NQ

1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ

there we go Jen, all fixed :cool:
Latest Squad listings

1. Taylor Roberts- NQ

1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ
20. Steven Taylor- NQ
Hi Guys,
We have a new entry form so disregard the first one posted up on the first page of this thread. The reason for the new entry form is just that we have adjusted squad times, squad numbers etc. Nothing Major, just something that needed to be attended to thats all. So keep the entries coming in to make this tournament as successful as it can be for the juniors of Australia.
Lynneeeeeee and Melissa :cool:


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Latest Squad listings
1. Taylor Roberts- NQ
31 spots left
1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ
20. Steven Taylor- NQ
21. Scott Lachlan- NQ
22. Aaden Pascoe- NQ
23. Kelly Hodgson- NQ
9 Spots Left
Latest Squad listings

1. Taylor Roberts- NQ
31 spots left

1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ
20. Steven Taylor- NQ
21. Scott Lachlan- NQ
22. Aaden Pascoe- NQ
23. Kelly Hodgson- NQ
24. Melanie Acworth- SQ
25. Kayla Bell- NQ
26. Krissy Lee Lerner- SQ
6 Spots Left
Latest Squad listings
1. Taylor Roberts- NQ
2. Tony Hoffensetz- NQ
3. Chris Hoffensetz- NQ
29 spots left
1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ
20. Steven Taylor- NQ
21. Scott Lachlan- NQ
22. Aaden Pascoe- NQ
23. Kelly Hodgson- NQ
24. Melanie Acworth- SQ
25. Kayla Bell- NQ
26. Krissy Lee Lerner- SQ
27. Crystal Hadley- NQ
28. Erin Sporn- NQ
29. Jodee Hayter- SQ
30. Caitlin Fraser- SQ
31. James Dent- NQ
1 Spot Left
Latest Squad listings
1. Taylor Roberts- NQ
2. Tony Hoffensetz- NQ
3. Chris Hoffensetz- NQ
4. Jordan McCahill- NQ
28 spots left

1. Melissa Dunn- NQ
2. Hamish Rogers- SQ
3. Jessica Needham- NQ
4. Lisa Holman- NQ
5. Aaron Nowak- NQ
6. Cameron Schulze- NQ
7. Marissa Schulze- NQ
8. Alicia Savill- NQ
9. Justin Muscat- NQ
10. Brendan Muscat- NQ
11. Cameron Nowak- NQ
12. Larissa Nastasi- NQ
13. Luke Green- SQ
14. Matty Simpson- SQ
15. Jen Jones- NSW
16. Justin Hays- NQ
17. Andrew Hays- NQ
18. Michael Craig- ACT
19. Tonaea Kellock- NQ
20. Steven Taylor- NQ
21. Scott Lachlan- NQ
22. Aaden Pascoe- NQ
23. Kelly Hodgson- NQ
24. Melanie Acworth- SQ
25. Kayla Bell- NQ
26. Krissy Lee Lerner- SQ
27. Crystal Hadley- NQ- DEPOSIT PAID
28. Erin Sporn- NQ- DEPOSIT PAID
29. Jodee Hayter- SQ
30. Caitlin Fraser- SQ
31. James Dent- NQ
1 Spot Left

Ok guys and gals for everyone who is in B squad it'd be fabulous if i could start gettin deposits to secure your spot, as it is almost full and i need to start securing spots.... Thanks a million! I'll post the details up for where to send the cheques and money orders too a.s.a.p....
Oh and keep the entries coming in :)
Take care everyone
MJ xox
Here's the information

Cheques or Money Orders are to be made out to:

Mackay Leisure Centre
95 Broadsound Road
Mackay 4740

There is also the option of paying your deposit over the phone with a credit card, the number for that is 0749521509
Hi melissa,

would it also be ok since some of us see you at the next camp to give you the money then? If not its fine

hey melissa

Kevin Swinburn will b makin an appearence...lol. So can u plz put me down 4 A squad.

thank u!!!
Hey Missy!!

Yeah it is, but we gotta keep those entries coming in for A squad, so keep spreading the word around everywhere ok!! Good girl ;) appreciate it, lol!!

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