Level one Coaching Courses

The trick, it turns out, is clicking on the top level menu and not its subitems it would seem. I needed the link too :(
Any news/Dates for Vic

And who is the contact person down here

Sorry, I have no idead who is doing this in VIC

Send an email to Chris Batson at BATSBOWLING and ask him
he will be doing the first course in each state !

The first Level 1 Coaching course for NSW is now available for interested applicants.

Interested parties will be able to lodge an application to complete the course with the TBA and use the link to start the online part of the course. ( Link to be available in the next few days) Sorry for that delay we are waiting for them to put it up on the web site.

Once the online part of the course is complete you will be sent your DVD to review, study and learn all the drills etc. you will be able to print any of the information you wantto make up a manual that suits your needs.

The face to face day will consist of some training room time and some on lane assessments of your ability to complete all the drills etc

There is a small written multiple choice exam which you must pass....

The cost will be $250 per person

The date set down for the face to face assessment day is
Sunday 21st February 2010 at Fairfield Bowl ( location to be confirmed)

Sorry again for the delay with the link but i thought i would let you all know the dates now to give you time to arrange yourselves if required

Keep you posted when i know more


When is the closing date for the NSW coaching course at Fairfield bowl on the 21st February?


There is no closing date, as such

You can log on and complete the 2 online courses anytime, Free
Then contact Kelly Warren at the TBA office in QLD to get your DVD etc

You will need the DVD etc for a few weeks to study and complete prior to 21/2/10

The Fairfield location will change to another centre locally
It will be a 9 -4 pm day for completion

When is the closing date for the NSW coaching course at Fairfield bowl on the 21st February?




I noticed you are from the ACT

That is not a problem and you and anyone else is welcome to attend

The ACT will need to run a course for themselves soon, If they have nobody to run it I can come to ACT and do it for them !

When is the closing date for the NSW coaching course at Fairfield bowl on the 21st February?



Hi Mark,
there is bit to be done as Geoff mentioned before you send off the application. Get into the 2 pre-requisite courses that have to be done and knock them off over a couple of days.

I presume you are a TBA member? If not you will need to get that done asap as well.

Then follow the instructions and links to all the forms in the above link. There are a few forms to complete but they are all together so its not too hard. Also you will need some passport photo's to send in with your application so if you need a haircut now is the time :D

Be aware though you dont want to leave it too late if you are interested as you are required to send back the theory exam at least 14 days prior to the practical training and assessment day.

If you are not sure of anything send me message and i will be glad to help out.

Do we only do the
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (coach)

Or are we expected to do
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Administration)
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Umpires)
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Players)
Do we only do the
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (coach)

Or are we expected to do
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Administration)
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Umpires)
Play by the rules online Harassment and Discrimination Course (Players)


Just do the COACH section of Play by the rules
I did it for fun today, took me less than 2 hours

Good one Nev... the other online course is good too, actually better than the discrimination one and a bit harder but still easy to knock off in an afternoon.
have you done the 2nd online course yet Nev?

But your right once thats done..... its time to wait.
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