Felicty...Accident Report

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I am glad that Felicity is on the imporve, it can only get better from now on.

Natalie O'Connor :D
i admire you all for being so strong .. you are amazing people .. Tiff you are a truely remarkable girl and I wish you, your sister and your family the best of luck .. my heart goes out to you and I hope you all are doing well

Love Kara-Jayde Bunting
hi all
well i saw Flick today and she looked really well for someone who had recently been in a car accident, she was awake to see myself and irene and we were happy to see her awake.

Although she seemed fine....she couldn't talk as she had a really sore throat so she only nodded her head ever so slightly to answer yes to a couple of questions that we asked. She also was still on morphine which made her a little bit sleepy so we also let her rest as we didn't stay long.

hope you recover and are home soon Flick.
love ya heaps Chantal.
only 4 more days til im down sweetie and ill b coming straight to see u im glad ur recover has been quicker then expected and ive been thinking of u constantly talk and see u all soon take care
sandi: won't be long now till we hear the whining from the crazy hair cut, its great to hear all the progress, and i must come in again to see the little bugga.

Who knows we might get to see her running around annoying everyone again very soon. YAY!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D GO FLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well hello everyone

I have great news.......Flick is doing great she has been moved to a ward so she is no longer in ICU.

I have just got home so i can give you the most updated post.

Here goes........She is fully awake, she knows that we are there but her memory is very short term so everytime we go back to the room we have to tell her who we are, once we have done that she is fine again. She is also very scared as she can't remember where she is or why she is there. She is also very scared everytime someone enters the room so it is slowly as we go. She can't speak as her throat is still very sore.
She is having a problem with food as per the sore throat so the only drip she has in now is nutriants but she is no longer on the morphine.

If you want to go into to see her you have to tell her who you are and how you know her. But please remember that she is scared and it can be scary for you because she is so vague. So please be patient with her.

She at 6 west room s2. This means you have to go to the 6th floor via the blue lifts, turn right out of the lifts then left at the end. If you are coming in could you please let us know via the nurses station the number is 9345 5644. The nurse will let us know as soon as we return if we are not there when you ring. You will need to give us some notice as she still has to have tests so we may not be back to the ward for some time.


More than anything else........Thank you to all of Flick's, Tiffani's and my friend's who have helped us deal with this. But more importantly Thank you to those people who don't know us and who have posted their warm wishes from around Australia..(sorry if this last piece doesn't make sense but you really can't put into words what you want to say).

Kindest regards
Sandi :D
That is great news Sandi, all she has to do now is get herself right in 5 days for ECCC! :lol:
:p I told you she was a fighter and she'd get through this :p
I will try and get in and see you & Flick on the weekend (if time permits)

hi everyone,

Well i saw flick again today and she is improving although she is still quite sleepy and needs her rest.

To me Flick looked a little dazed and really tired and i explained who i was as i am sure she is totally confused why all these people are comming in..Other than her immediate family...i'm not entirely sure if she knew who i really was. Flick still cannot talk because of her sore throat but i'm sure it will only be a matter of time won't it???

And i 'm happy to say when i told her i was going home she grabbed my hand and held it as if she wanted me to stay and talk to her...which i felt quite privledged to be there when it happend.

Love ya heaps Chantal.
Hey everyone.

I no it has been awhile since i last said ne thing but i have been away and have just gotten back.

I have the most wonderful news for everyone.

3 weeks to the day after the accident Flick has said her first word. When asked if she was in pain she answered "YES" very loudly.

Thanks to everyone for your support and love and couldn't have done it with out you all.

Kara... I might be alot of things but remarkable isn't one of them. If it wasn't for you and all my other friends i would have lost it a long time ago, but thanks for saying that, it made me feel betta.

Till next time.

hi, i havent been on here for a while but i do know what has been happenin! and i was very sad and asked for updates all the time, i just wanna say [to flick] that i willl be there on saturday and im lookin forward to seeing you but i want a hug... and tiff you are a remarkable young lady and i love you very much you are strong and so is flicky and by the sounds of it you get it from your mum!
i would also like to say to everyone, that even though i am not family, i am proud of all of you for posting and sending your love! its great and flick is a very lucky girl to have all your concern!
all my love and wishes goes out to the murphy family and i will see you on saturday.
love you all xox lis
hi all

greatt to hear about flick

please let us know if there is anything adam and i can do to help with anything wish you all the best please call and let us know what we can do to help

you have our numbers so we are only a phone call away

love karen and adam
Hi every1

I am glad to say that Flick is going great guns in her recovery.

Since she was moved to the ward she has tried and succeeded in turning up the morphine, which she is no longer on, she has learnt to read the monitors, give the nurses the details and turn off the bloody beeping that goes off everytime she moves, she has also tried to escape more than once, by this i mean that she has tried to climb out over the rails of the side of the bed.

She still has a tube in the side of her neck which is feeding her as she has a problem with her tummy. :eating: But this tube is the last one that she has to over come at this moment so hopefully there will be no more. She still has 10 stitches in her head. She went for her first outing today as she was allowed to get into a wheelchair and go for a wonder into the waiting room where every1 goes for a coffee.

Tonx......we were all wrong, her first words were not "who shaved my head" ( as she did not know that it was done until today when they took the bandage off her head) but "WHERE IS MY MOBILE". The second thing she asked for was a "cup of coffee", and she is still trying to con the nurses into giving her one. She then found out that her head was shaved and she was not impressed to say the least but i pointed her in the direction of the Doc who shaved it and I feel sorry for him, as she has told him never to go to sleep in the ward. :sleeping:

Now all we have to worry about is the fact that she has her heart set on being at East Coast and if she has her way she will be there, so we have to nail all the windows shut so she can't escape.........haha.

I will keep you up to date probably every 2 days but at the moment i am trying to get more than 2 hours sleep per night so if can manage to get some more than that i will update you sooner.

Kindest regards
Hi all went in to see flissy today , she was sitting up in bed and telliing everyone who came in that she just want's to go home . You tell 'em girl :D
that is great to here about flick wish her the best from us

love adam and karen
Felicity Accident Report

Hi everyone,

just to let you know i have seen Flick today and she looks better than she has for ages. She was sitting in a wheelchair still hooked up to the machine, but all she kept saying is that she wanted to go home.

So she is doing well and hopefully she will be home soon.

We wish you well for a speedy recovery.
Love Chantal
Hey every1

Well Flick will be getting all the tubes out Friday. She is allowed to eat normal food as of this morning so i bet you all can't guess what she wanted....MACCA'S.

She is also up and about at the moment but only in a wheelchair, which she can't drive too well......so please all remind me never to let her drive my car as she had hit more walls than a bowling ball. ](*,)

I will keep you updated.

Thanks every1 for your support

Kindest regards
:lol: :lol: Sandi :lol: :lol:
hi sandi and tiff

great to hear about flick sorry we have not been in but send her our love

also just wanted to know if you were thinking about having a raffle or lucky numbers. As i can donate some items for a raffle.

just let me know what you think of this and i may be able to get some other items as well as the above.

but i wont do anything about this till i hear from one of you
wish for a speady recovery
love karen and adam :shock: :evil: :twisted: :!: :!:
Hi eveyone.

yes it is me flick in the flesh.
thanx for everything and i miss you all and i cant wait to see you all
im doing really well i have no machines but i cant walk witch sucks. i missed not being there at east coast but there is all ways next year. i hope to see tammi and everyone else soon ill let you all know wat is happening if i dont tiff will thanx to everyone do you know wat i miss tammi brodie jenn tam the most ill call you all as soon as i get out of here..
Miss everone and i cant wait to see you all again and i cant wait till im bak at bowling
Luv ya all and miss ya all..
i cant wait till im out of this place and i miss tammi jenn brodie and tam and john the most see everyone soon
lots of love flick
Hey girl - good to hear from you... We are all amazed at your recovery, you should be so proud of yourself. You are a legend.

I told my boss I am going to have pink hair and he said that is ok so I can't wait.. :D

Ralph said he will be glad to bowl another 300 game so you can see the next one.. ;-)

Take care and do what the doctors and nurses tell you to (even if you don't want to).

Lots of love, Jane and Ralph. :Fade-col:
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