2. Bowling isn't as much fun anymore. Stricter rules on gamesmanship, sledging, exuberance on the lanes have basically killed the fun factor. Watching a tournament these days is like watching a snail race. There just isn't much life out there and you get shut down if you try to inject some spark into the event. Oh sure, the old Bruce Peel temper tantrums used to be a bit embarrassing for the sport, but they also livened the game up. Tennis was never more popular than when people were waiting for the next McEnroe outburst. Bowling Rachuig last year, while it was competitive, it had no where near the enjoyment of years past when friendly sledging was part of everyones armoury and gamesmanship was at the forefront. No wonder we only had 10 people standing around watching. They were probably having a hard time staying awake.
To sum up, bring some life back into the game, and let people be comfortable while they bowl and who knows, you may see entries increase again.
i agree 100%