Position on the wearing of shorts in tournaments

Shorts... Or No Shorts???

  • Shorts

    Votes: 220 83.0%
  • No Shorts

    Votes: 45 17.0%

  • Total voters
Initially, I thought no, but I think that some flexibility needs to be allowed for climate.

I agree. My vote is for shorts.

Looking at the Cairns Open tournament rules, it seems the top 12 finalists are required to wear black or navy trousers for men or black or navy skirts or dress shorts for ladies. Surely, the men should also be allowed to wear black or navy shorts!!! You would hate it if the air conditioning decided to shut down...., but then again...

Jason, you were the one that always wore loud pants..have you mellowed in your old age....lol

Just thought i would pose another question in here. Seeing as the majority of the posters are in favour of men being allowed to wear dress shorts while bowling, what about sleeveless shirts? After all,, the women get to wear them.

Don't you feel the line has to be drawn somewhere...That could be a reason why the guys are not allowed to wear shorts.
I've seen it Porto. Sorry mate.
As for the Poll. I've worn shorts to tournaments. I've worn Dress Pants. As long as the Shorts are nice and respectable I don't have a problem. I honestly prefer Dress Pants.

It gets awfully hot in summer in most places of australia, and its inpracticle to expect people playing sport to wear long pants.

Most Sports are also played outdoors. If a centre has Air-con there should be no problem getting through the day in long pants.

Later Da Cowman!
Great poll Porto.

Shorts are a great thing at the right time.
Summer months only
Need to be respectable

I have seen some shockers for the shorts being worn in events, and the TD needs to address this straight away.

As for sleeveless shirts, Porto have seen a number of our Top Women in them over the last 2 years, and also 3/4 pants - now are these shorts or pants. Even saw an event where it said no 3/4 pants but a numebr of ladies turned up in them and were allowed to bowl.

Before we start to worry about if we can wear shorts or pants, we need to ensure the TD is advising bowlers they are not meeting the dress code, as this will be start.
I think it needs to be taken on a case by case basis. If the weather is particularly hot and/or the centres airconditioning is not up to scratch, then I feel that tailored shorts should be allowed. In other cases though, for the sake of professionalism, it should be tailored long trousers for the guys only. I know we are not professional bowlers but should we not at least strive to look like professional bowlers?

It should, in my opinion, be allowable on a case by case basis, but not all the time.
"I agree Martina - they looked shocking, those 2 guys showed absolutely no respect to the tournament, officials and their fellow bowlers.

They looked as if they had been down the beach and decided to come for a throw on the way home. The TBA officials should have picked them up on it they were so bad."

I don't know if this was in reference to guys from the ACT but I can tell you we were within the rules as set out in the tournament entry forms.
I think that we should have a definition of the wording "shorts". Perhaps we should say "cullotes" or shorts no more than 5cm above the knee, however no lycra dance pants (believe me, some do wear them).

This year several complaints were received due to a bowler wearing their version of "tailored shorts" at Emerson Shield. The person in question wore shorts that could not be seen below her bowling shirt. It didn't worry me (because with teenage kids myself) that's what young people like to wear, but a couple of bowlers didn't think it was right as they felt there should be one hard and fast rule rather than a loose interpretation of a rule.

This would also assist tournament directors with policing of the rules.

So maybe the definition needs to be more clearly defined- commonsense approaches disappeared long time ago.

I don't see a problem with guys wearing TAILORED shorts. But only as long as they are presentable.

On the sleevless shirt front. I have wanted to wear a collared sleevless shirt before and have been told that it was not part of the approved apparell.

Also Edi on the shorts front. I was also at Emerson and that was not the first time the shorts that length have been worn. I, myself being a teenager, did not like the look of the shorts. I will wear shorts that length but I feel there is a time and place for that kind of apparell. No I did not make a comment to the committee about them and I probably should have if I had an issue with them but that has passed now so I will move on. Having said that I will also make the comment that I felt the shorts (be it they were not long) were a more appropriate look than some skirts that I have seen in tournaments. I would prefer to see a girl in short shorts, than in a skirt that looks more like a belt...

Just my thoughts.

There should be hard and fast dress rules when it comes to attire for competition bowling and tidiness counts. There is nothing worse than seeing a male competitor turn up in a pair of Billabong denim shorts and a bowling shirt. Denim shorts, 3/4 shorts and cargo shorts etc should be left for casual wear.

Brad has never bowled a tournament in shorts and very rarely has he bowled league in shorts. He has always worn tailored slacks for bowling (be it league or tournament) slacks present nicely and top the uniform off. Also when it does get hot, most of the men fan or wipe there faces and sweet on the back and under the arms. Shorts are no different to slacks in the heat debate except for about 40-50cm!

We are trying to promote tenpin bowling as a serious sport and I don't feel that can be achieved if we don't have a basic dress standard.

As for females being allowed to wear skirts or shorts, I feel that is not gender discrimination but a sensible move for the females. Some women are not comfortable in skirts due to the cut of the skirts (if it flies out during release) or they don't feel comfortable due to weight. It would not be nice to force a larger lady into a skirt that suits the rest of the team but makes her completely uncomfortable. Having said that, I believe ladies dress standards need to be tidied up also. As I no longer bowl, but do spectate I see quite a lot of combinations that a) leave nothing to the immagination or b) did not have a great deal of thought go into the preparation of the outfit. Females should also be limited to acceptable forms of attire and Roxy denim shorts, 3/4shorts, drill shorts and cargo shorts should be excluded.

Anyway just an opinion and good poll Porto, it's been interesting to read the replies.

I believe in dress pants. They look a lot more professional and respectable and I think they just give off this "I mean business" vibe.

As for the hot weather and pants I pose this question, how many golfers do you see wearing shorts??

I don't know if this was in reference to guys from the ACT but I can tell you we were within the rules as set out in the tournament entry forms.

Maybe so Drew, but did you look in the mirror ??? The type of socks you wear do make a big difference too.

Surely for you to even register we were writing about you and your mate, you must know in your own mind it was not a good look.

As for the hot weather and pants I pose this question, how many golfers do you see wearing shorts??

At our local, in Comp. on most days about 90% wear shorts.

As for shorts in bowling, dress shorts should be allowed. Seems changes are made occasionally. I have seen bowlers in shirts without collars in major tournaments and on the PBA telecasts, though I dont recall any pro's wearing shorts though.

As for the hot weather and pants I pose this question, how many golfers do you see wearing shorts??

I was going to mention that also....

Brad, Dad and some mates all played golf at Tweed Heads on Saturday and it was stinking hot and they all wore tailored slacks and collared shirts!
As for the hot weather and pants I pose this question, how many golfers do you see wearing shorts??
I don't carry any golf clubs in my bowling bag though! Haha, couldn't resist sorry...
I find it slightly difficult to slide properly as my slacks tend to stick on my knee when it gets muggy inside. I don't know too much about golf but it seems like having the length on the pants wouldn't hinder them as much as the length would hinder a bowler.
Get some lined trousers porto! That'll fix that one.

I think tailored shorts are still sharp enough for lower end events like league and local championships. Not Masters or open events though. Cargo shorts or pants always look like garbage bags. They are up there with desert boots for my money. Denim shorts..? Only if you're Barbara Bach and not if you're bowling.

Bowling has an image problem and some days it's deserved!

If it's hot enough in an alley to warrant wearing shorts, wouldn't turning the air-con up a bit be more preferable for everyone? It'd do away with those awful sweaty palms as well.
Hi Max,

Actually I did look in the mirror and didn't see any real issue. It wasn't hard to put together, there was about 6 people wearing shorts.

I just don't see any validity in your comments that we showed no respect to tournament, competitors or tournament officials etc etc when we were competing within the rules as laid down by the entry form. You would have seen in Rachuig and Masters long pants and collared shirts were the order of the day as per the rules.

Everyone has different dress sense I wouldn't personally ever wear knee high socks with tailored shorts (or any shorts for that matter) others would.

Having said all that I would be more than happy if bowling had a standard dress code for tournaments.
If females have the option of Shorts or skirts, the guys should have shorts or pants, but again sticking with tailored shorts.. if we arent allowed to, then why dont we make it everyone wears pants!! that way the field is all in uniform, now that would look professional!!

But i do think that guys should have the shorts option, and if they dont then the females should all have to wear skirts, or everyone male and female should wear pants...

"Hey while we are at it, why dont we get the exact same shirts, in the exact same colour.."

This last bit was sarcasm, for the odd few who cant take a joke!
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