Warning: "Phishing" Private Message!!!


If you received a private message that says your computer had virus, and ask you click a link ....

Please do not click any link in that message, it could harm your computer.

This can be gathered through the use of common sense & logic (considering random members, let alone administrators can't sense if YOUR computer has a virus through the use of a forum interface) would still be funny to see how many people actually clicked that link though.
i got the same message.
but i ignored it.
last time i opened a message like this it wrecked my computer
If you follow the link....give your PC 30 minutes and it will no longer operate. Just got off the phone to a friend who followed the link and his computer died as I was talking to him.

NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!
Is there any thing that can be done to catch these individuals. I don't worry much about viruses, but I can't stand the scum that create these things.
There some bad guys were catched by FBI, we can track down to find out the source computer used by the bad guy, but it is hard to catch the individual. It is very difficulty to codinate police forces in multi-countries. To protect ourselve, the best way is never click any link in a strange mail. But the administrator of Totalbowling site should report this to Aus police or FBI, because the individual is a registered member and who had a gmail account, althought there information may be not true, but it can provide some helps for catching them
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