The Death of bowling on the Gold Coast

Sean M

New Member
Just wanted to ask people their thoughts on Legends Tenpin closing at the end of the year. I think it could spell the end of bowling on the Gold Coast for league anyway. Who's going where to bowl and what are all your thoughts. I'm sure not everyone is going to end up all in the same league and centre. :cry:
One Centre closes so everyone has to find another centre to bowl league in.The death of league on the Gold Coast?Just ask people from other centres if it is the death,I think that they would tell you to "wake up" and look around to see what is out there. :twisted: :!: :?: :!: :twisted:
All I can say, is yes once legends closes, if it closes, is where are people going to bowl. The talk is alot will give up, and I can speak for myself and for alot of others, we are taking our bowling to Brisbane.
I think tenpin terror if you are going to put a post why dont you put your name to the post, you only joined up, wether it be the first time or under a new name just to put your view forward for this subject put your name to it. Legends has been thru alot with all this going on, rumours are flying and you can believe what you like but I can say that I will be there bowling till them doors close, and so will alot of other loyal bowlers.
Kellie Hart......................................
P.S see I put my name to my posts................

Is Ricky Relocating to somewhere else on the Gold Coast or is he shutting up shop.

If he is relocating any idea where and when this is happening??


Andrew C
Ok I have just heard from the horse's mouth that Legends are still undecided as to what will be happening with the bowl. There was a meeting this morning between the owners and parties involved and I'm sure Ricky will let the bowlers know what is happening asap. All I can say is they could still have their doors open for another six months approx due to a delay in signing over the building and application etc. and they will be trying to relocate but I do not know of a location as yet. So my post above was not all true about it closing, sorry.
The Future of Legends Tenpin

Management of Legends Tenpin take this opportunity to reply to Sean M and other interested Patrons.

Early this year a decision was made to relocate to new premises due to changing conditions in Labrador and particularly Marine Parade. The current location of the Centre has quickly become unsuitable for patrons' requirements and noise concerns are becoming an issue.

It has never been our intention to close Legends Tenpin. Over the last four years a substantial amount of time and funds has been dedicated to improving and upgrading the facilities and a concerted effort was and continues to be made to ensure that we offer our patrons a professional Bowling Centre for the Gold Coast Region.

Patrons can be assured that we are endeavoring to secure new premises at this time but this process in lengthy and wish to be certain the new location will be appropriate for all concerned.

We convey our gratitude to Patrons who have provided invaluable support as without that support and commitment, Legends would not have been able to continue. We respectfully encourage and ask for your continued support at this time and request your patience so we may continue to provide a Professional Bowling Centre for your enjoyment.

With respect to this forum and as well intentioned as this topic may have been at the time, unfortunately serious damage can be sustained to a business' reputation through postings such as these. We therefore suggest to all forum participants that any information that is posted to this site is true and factual and of a positive nature.

Visit Legends Tenpin and keep your eye on the Noticeboard for more exciting news about Legends and our Future!
Thanks for the post Legends Tenpin. No harm was meant by my first post and I appoligise for the miss leading information. All I am trying to find out is what are people going to do? Surely when the doors do close at the current location they aren't going to reopen in the new lacation the very next day now are they? Its not rocket science. What are people going to do while this change over takes place? This post is in no way dirrected at the bowl it is just a question to the bowlers as I am undecided as to what I am going to be doing.
Thanks to Legends for putting this post on the forum. I for one will keep bowling at Legends up to the time that you relocate and then I will be bowling at your new centre. Keep up the good work Ricky and all of your staff. Tenpin Terror, the people that bowl at Legends like the centre so that is why Sean put up the post in the first place, the staff are good, the people that bowl there are good and that is why it was going to feel like it was the "death of tenpin on the Gold Coast" but not anymore. I will keep looking out for news of when and where it will relocate to, until then I will keep bowling there as usual. 8) :D :!:
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