Stolen(?) shoes

Does it annoy anyone else when a pair of AMF house shoes is up for sale on ebay? Whenever I've reported these sales to AMF they seem completely disinterested. I wonder why I bother.
So what who care's why bother i think it's funny people buy them......:confused:

mongoliantreesloth said:
Does it annoy anyone else when a pair of AMF house shoes is up for sale on ebay? Whenever I've reported these sales to AMF they seem completely disinterested. I wonder why I bother.
Apparently they lose loads of them every year, with people walking out the doors with them still on.
But then the prices keep going up every year, which would help cover things like that.

$25 a pop on e-bay? Maybe I might need to start looking at doing that ;)
I have seen a girl at my skool who wears stolen bowling shoes and im like wtf why would you they look so silly yet they think it looks kool
At Campbelltown bowl they have beep tags attatched to the shoes so you cant leave the building with them on or the buzzer will go off.
Many Years ago when i was in England you had to hand over your street shoes in return for a pair of bowling shoes and when you finished you handed them back and got your own shoes back.Maybe bowling centres should think along those lines.
just my thoughts
The Strike Bowls & kingPin bowls have adapted taking the customers shows as a holding device for when they give out shoes. Have also seen other centres take Photo ID, and even credit cards, as a security option on them.

Can not help centres with overall costs, as they all up. Does not mean the costs would not go, just mens they do not make as much profit, after all, if all shoes stopped being stolen, today, prices would still go up every 6 montsh approx.
I've seen people out at the pub with ours on.

being the only bowling alley an hour each way, its pretty obvious they are ours. Its worth it seeing the look on their face when i ask for my shoes back.
They seem to make a quick exit...
andrew buckle said:
Many Years ago when i was in England you had to hand over your street shoes in return for a pair of bowling shoes and when you finished you handed them back and got your own shoes back.
Exactly. Due to shoe loss I suggested this at my centre a while ago and it was introduced for mens size 9 upwards only. Shortsighted or what. Idea completely abandoned now as no-one can be bothered to take the street shoes. (some did stink though!).
In my view it's the little things like this that ultimately make the difference between having a profitable or a non-profitable alley.
xpense said:
The Strike Bowls & kingPin bowls have adapted taking the customers shows as a holding device for when they give out shoes. Have also seen other centres take Photo ID, and even credit cards, as a security option on them.
Just slightly OT here, one of my rellies and her friends went to KingPin at Crown on Saturday night and was saying that they have these new house shoes that light up and do all sorts of other tricks and gimmicks when the bowler crosses the foul line now. I suppose for $15 a game you'd want something gimmicky like that.

Apparently they refer to bowlers who take the game a little more seriously as "purists".
I dont think giveing an id card before getting the shoes is the answer. Too easy to get fakes these days. What I would do is charge a security deposit of maybe $10. That way at least your getting something for that individual, who decides to steal. Just a thought
There are to many ways to try and stop this.
A holding deposit is no good, as people will bring stolen shoes from other centres to get the money. Why worry about that 10 dollars if you can get 25 off ebay.
In england they still keep the customers shoes and return them when the bowling shoes return.
The tag idea is good, and have heard of centres trying to do the same with there house balls.
No matter what centres do, shoes will always go missing.
Hi all,
Taking the bowler's street shoes doesn't work here in NQ as most wear thongs and they find taking our shoes home a better deal than their thongs. We tried the deposit for about 4 months ($20 per lane) but it only slowed down the theft for about a month, then it amped up again. We contemplated the tagged shoe idea but the cost of system was over $4000 as we have more than 1 exit at our centre and it was cheaper to keep replacing the shoes. Apparently some of the bigger centres are offering rewards to schools and night clubs for the return of the shoes, even contributing to the police fund. Don't know if it works, but it's an interesting idea! Keep writing in if anyone has more ideas...I'd be interested to see them.
What really confuses me is how you get the people that whinge and complain about having to wear them, and half the time they are the people that take off with them...
At my centre we are starting the 'take their street shoes and a form of ID' for size 10 and up only. Especially during school sport when the thieving little rodents from local schools think its 'cool' to nick off with a pair off house shoes and rock up to school with them the next day...the looks on their faces is always priceless when I ask them why they are wearing my shoes.
what really get more confusing is when the school kids take off with bowling balls and shoes.... do they really think it's not obvious if you turn up to school after sport with a ball and shoes
i admit it, I'm one of those people that wants a pair of house shoes. not nessasrly stolen ones but it is really hard to find anywhere that sells tenpin shoes with the two colour 'classic' house shoe design.

anyone know of anywhere in aus? or an australian website?
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