Squad lists for the 2007 NSW Open

Hi Bert,

It is with much regret that myself and peter will no longer be able to bowl as work and a birthday party that we were not aware of on friday night when we were to bowl had already been organised ahead of this post.

So could you please remove Michael Mclaren and Peter Miller from C squad thanks, sorry for any inconvienience caused.

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
Hi David,

There are two hotels very close to the bowl. The Hills Lodge is right behind the bowl here is there website: www.hillslodge.com.au. The other across the road from the Hills Lodge is the Crown Plaza Norwest there website is www.norwesthotels.com.au.

I think both of them are more on the expensive side. The other option would be to stay in Parramatta. I hope this helps!


can you please remove me from this event please i have just found out its the same weekend as our final roll off for eccc please regards peter hammond
Hey Brett,

Could you please add ROD WALLER to A SQUAD.

Thankyou very much

Hi there can you please put Kierah Hawkins (F) into squad A please
thank you
Hi Brett, just wondering if it's possible for you to post updated A, B & C squad lists based on deposits paid? Thanks Andrew C
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