Southern NSW Juniors take on the Crocodiles


Well-Known Member
Kevin Webb and the Campbelltown Crocs from the Premier State League have thrown down a challenge to the Boys from Sothern NSW Shield Team.
And, of course, the Boys are more than eager to take up the challenge, this coming Saturday 25th at Campbelltown City Lanes from 8.30am.

The Crocs are warming up for the Finals of the State League to be held between Campbelltown Crocs and Chester Hill Cougars at Orange Bowl, Sunday 9th September.

The Boys from SNSW are gearing up for the Junior Presidents' Shield Tournament in April next year, Junior Nationals.
We invite all bowlers and supporters to come watch the young guns take it to the old guys, and son Daniel teach his dad, Kevin, a few lessons. The Crocs might have bitten off more than they can chew!!!

Leanne Triulcio.
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