South Pacific - Perhaps a better way


More than a newbie
How does this sound?

Have the best of both worlds.

Allow bowlers to buy their spot as was the case for the past few years. (And Remember - why did we go this way after 20 something years?)

Assuming many of Australia's top bowlers would prefer to do this to cut down on another weekend, and yet another weekend of bowling at centre final then zone finals, would this not "open up" the fields at the centre and zone finals for new bowlers, could there indeed be hundreds of entries?

The PBA used the "rabbit squad" idea for years, thus allowing new blood into their National tournaments.

This idea I feel would work. Forget about the travel and accom' costs, the top bowler would find a way, just as they do for all their tourn's.

This would take two weekends out of their year to be with family.

Think about it, take the top bowlers out of the equation, and let the house and league bowlers go for it ... and then they get a free spot in Australia's best tourn.

If we really get a deal going, then the top bowlers could even enjoy accom' with the other bowlers at a discounted rate.

There are so many great ideas that could come out of this simple concept.

What are your thoughts?
GBS said:
Allow bowlers to buy their spot as was the case for the past few years. (And Remember - why did we go this way after 20 something years?)

Bowlers are allowed to buy their spots as per previous years. Nothing has changed in that regard. These qualifying tournaments are only to win entry fee, airfares and accomodation into the Main Tournament - where you will be bowling against other bowlers who have paid their entry fees. If you miss out on winning a Zone Final, you can still enter the tournament.

You will find a fair few "leading" bowlers don't bowl in AMF centres, so will not be able to bowl in the SPC Win A Spot tourneys. They will have to do as they do normally, and thats pay their own airfares, accomodation and entry fee.

These Wn A Spot tourneys are geared towards the AMF League Bowler having a chance to get to one of these events, that they otherwise wouldnt have the opportunity to do.
South Pacific "spot wins"

Surely these tournys have one aim - to increase AMF's league lineage!!! The cost of the prize will come from the entry fees of course, as it did in the Adventure No Tap tournament held this weekend. Isnt it a win/win situation for AMF - more league bowlers, more bowlers entering the SPC itself.

AMF is running a business after all, not a charity. Nobody gets something for nothing these days.
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