Should tournament directors have the ability to re average b

i dun really agree wiv any of u except shellby i do it myself i had a 150 ave tryin out 4 eccc n i bowled like a 170 ave i do it all da time n i rekon u get reved up more when ur intourtaments is dat such a crime i believe u r in a tourtament 2 kick ass and win and now all pplz do is complain it makes da the game so boring and un interesting when dere is all dis childish bitchiness goin on!
hehe good on ya lozz!!! iknew you could do it chicky!!!
and my god sumone agrees with me??
hehe yes well i think alot of people do it

there are a few people who just suit the lane conditions and do well under pressure and stuff
i used to do it alot not as much anymore but i did do it alot
anyways im gettin going talk soon luv shellby xoxoxoxo
i dont think its fair 2 re avg a bowler. cause to me the object of the game is to get out there and do ur best and i personally would be really p****d off if someone re avg'd me cause that what b saying "im sorry but ur best is too good" and thats not fair. does that mean that bowlers wif higher avgs should b reavged if they bowl like crap!NO ppl just say they r having a bad day! well why cant ppl with lower avgs have a good day wifout being criticised 4 it!!
i rekon that ppl should b re averaged if what they r bowlin is a lot above their av. one particular person, who has been mentioned previosly should b cheked out. this person has a low av but bowls quite high games and always seems to make the cut or the team.

this doesnt really concern the ppl that get higher scores but for those that need the handicap to have a chance, its totally unfair, thats the whole idea of handicap, to make it more even, so i agree totally with tam and also lefty, they should be re averaged!!!!!!!

G'day all, my name is Jessica Marriott.
I am the junior bowler that is being criticized on this website, you might ask how I am sure of this as my name is never mentioned, well if you where to look back at my scores bowled at shur graphics I bowled 705 scratch for a series. It also says how the CERTAIN BOWLER held a 75 handicap, in Werribee Cup witch was around the amount of handicap I did have in that particular tournament.
I would like to know where these people got their information from. the tournament director, from where ever, who was apparently relived that I did not win, to keep there comments to themselves, because this is how problems like these start. I believe myself to be good, honest bowler and on the particular day of the shur graphics I let my emotions get the better me and did not win, but what give people the right to say I had no right to win? If it is because you thought I had a fake average don’t you think you should have gone and seen the tournament directors instead of talking behind my back to other junior bowlers? Well I do!!
I would like to make it clear to people that my average has not stayed the same for 3 years, in fact, due to the simple maths I learnt in primary school, I found that I have increased my average. When I started taking bowling seriously in 2000 I bowling the shur graphics with about a 116 average, by East coast I had increased my average by four, from 116 to 120, then by 2001’s East coast I increased my average by a further five pins per game, from 120 to 125. In Werribee cup I wrote on my form my average to be 134, because at the time that’s what it was, but to my lack of concentration in league my average dropped, so they dropped my average to a 126. Then in shur graphics I went in on a 128 average. So where these people get that I have had a 120 average of the last 3 years, I don’t know. For in fact I head a 120 average for just on or under one year. Perhaps those people should go back to primary school and study simple maths again instead of getting there facts wrong and criticizing a 15 year old teenager who does well in tournaments. Also I would like to know when I was ever a 180 average bowler, because I have never, in my 10 years of bowling, held a 180 average. And as for “Dale” saying that I drop out of league to lower my average after 15 games, I would like to know where he/she got that information from because last season for my league I was a gold bowler, witch for those who don’t know, people who are gold bowlers bowl every week of the season with out missing one week.
Another question witch is going through my head is why me?? I mean in both Werribee cup and Shur Graphics there where bowlers who bowled more then me, so they had to also bowl over average. How come they are not being publicly discriminated against? Did the particular tournament director, discussed above, breath a sigh of relief that they won and did they cheer loudly because they bet me or where they hoping they would not win also? You should seriously think about those questions I just asked, and think, “Should I be here with these other directors”? My personal opinion is that you shouldn’t because you are meant to be encouraging junior bowlers not telling other bowlers “oh I hope she/he doesn’t win.” Then for the same questions I came up with the answers that perhaps it has to do with last year at East Coast, that a certain bowler wanted me dropped but instead she was. To her it seemed like favoritism as one of the managers was related to me. Or plainly it is because they hate me because I can do so well in tournaments and they cant.
I would just like to say that the junior bowlers and the tournament director who have a problem with me should be told of these facts. Also it should be raised that just because I come from a center that most bowlers don’t, Dandenong, and because I am not able to increase my average by 10 pins every year that gives no one the right to criticize me. Maybe you should all grow up and actually do something about it instead of crying about it on a website.
its things like this where u find out who ur real friends are. Also maybe u should all get new display names so ppl r unable to identify u if u dont wanna be identfed!! coz pplz i no who most of u r and u are not all very good bowlers urself and i am sure u all bowl well above ur average!! SO TELL SOMEONE WHO WILL DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF USING A SITE!!
thanx, Jess
Listen Jessica what is written in this forum isnt all about you even though you think ot is. We all have better things to talk about. The fact of the matter is that if you have something to say to me have the guts to say it to my face. As for East Coast get over it cause I am and another fact is that there was a conflict of interest at East Coast last year but I wont get into that. I dont really give a fat rats arse. So get over it I certainly I have.
Oh just one thing I forgot Jessica. If you think I cant beat you then how in the hell did I top qualify nearly 200 pins ahead of everyone else.
well then if it isn't jess marriott dat every 1 is talkin bout who is it?
I was talkin bout jess m, and i dont care if you know who i am. Ur av that you hold is not a true representation of what u actually bowl, and its not fair on the other bowlers that have accurate averages and deserve the handicap. And isnt it funny that ur av is so low still, from the performances that we've seen im totally amazed!!!!!!
ladies and gentlemen, settle down please! lol
for starters i can agree with Jess M on a few things that she said, maybe that average is acurate and she just bowls in a crappy centre and that causes her average to be low, the same thing happened to me last year. However, the whole East coast situation... Jess should have been dropped for teams because she bowled the lowest, it has nothing to do with who she is or whether her aunty is manager or not. In my opinion the bowler who bowls the lowest should be dropped regardless of their high handicap. This way it is completely fair and the managers cant leave them selves open for critisism even if their neice is in the team.
I think we should get back on track though and stop bagging other bowlers. Lets keep this friendly please.
Very relevant topic. This problem of 'sandbagging' is one that constantly casts our sport in a bad light. Deliberate sandbagging is blatant cheating, plain and simply. This is something that needs to be eradicated from our sport as quick as possible.

A Tournament Director's primary role is to impliment and oversee fair competition for all bowlers. It is hardly going to be a fair competition if one bowler is getting bonus pins head start, that the others aren't. This is the effect of people entering a tournament with a lower average, than they USUALLY bowl to.

There are many different ways in which this occurrence may arise, not all of them sinister or deliberate. Nevertheless, all of them are unfair. If the Tournament Director is to maintain any level of fair competition, then YES, they should retain the right to re-average a player. I would even go as far as to say that more T.D.'s shoud be doing it, in attempt to try and clean our sport of ANY type of unfair play.

Was the T.D. wrong to do so in your particular instances? NO! A T.D. must make their decision on the spot. In doing so, they make the decision that they believe to be in the best interests of fair competition within the tournament then and there. This decision isn't wrong at the time it is made. Sure, with the benefit of heinsight, they might have made a different decision, however, at the time, this decision is correct and must be stood by.

Tournament Directors are there to make the sport more enjoyable for all of us, to maintain fair play and overall, to promote the objectives and image of our sport. If this means making a decision that some people don't like, too bad.

Shane Czerkasow
In responce to Lefty's comment i would just like to say that i bowled the highest outta all vics in the single, just missed out on medal by 20 pins, then sure i bowled crap in doubles, but stacey held me up and we just missed out then too, and i was dropped for triples. tamara was put back in and still bowled ****!!! it was not up to me to be put back in i would have perferd to say out! but the fact is they thought i bowled betta, really think about it should i be punished for something i had no say in?? its just no fair there where 4 ppl in that room, sure leanne was one but thoes other 3 ppl had a say too if they dint want me there then they could have said!! As for ecca55 wot have i done?? all i think i have done is bowled well!! i bowl at dandy not the best of lanes, but thats where i live i cant help that, to go and bowl ova a keon park, which r lanes i have bowled well on b4, and w'bee r both very different to me soo it is expected, just like u guys might go to dandy and bowl well there!! the fact is that all lanes r different.. and everyone i do at times bowl crap!! stuff like this is expected, if i have lost mates who mean heaps to me ova this, i donno wot to do! perhaps i should just leave bowling but i cant do that, becoz then u guyz have won and i wont let u!!
i am sorry if i have heart anyone ova this but there is nothing i can do about it!! i still hope we can be mates... but i understand if thats not the case!!
love Jess M
Ha your so funny Jessica thats why I second top bowled in triples but still got dropped

So go get your facts right before you start going around criticizing me.
If u plz complain about sandbagging the simple answer is dont bowl handicap tourn. only bowl in scratch tournies that way if u bowl well nobody can complain. just my i know a certain girl who will not bowl in h/t. and she does well in the scratch t.
Dear Jess,
Your average may very well be a true indication of how you bowl during league at Dandy. I myself have bowled there before and to be honest, they are not the greatest set of lanes.
However this topic is about the right of tournament directors to reaverage bowlers.
You may average 120-130 at Dandy but anywhere else youre probably 20 odd pins better. If I bowled at Aulbry I would hold about a 170 average! Doesn't mean I should enter tournaments on that average where anywhere else in Vic I can average 200.
You are a better bowler than youre average indicates and their are many others in the same situation.
Tournament directors need to recognise this and state on entry forms that they reserve the right to reaverge a bowler at their discression so that it is clear to everyone that enters. We should stop bagging ppl and stick to the topic question at hand.

Thanks, Matto
it's Tracey M here... Jess i just thought i should let u know that u didn't bowl the highest in Singles outa all the vics i did thank u i bowled 798 for 4 and missed da medal bye 2 pins so if i was you u i'd quit while your a head... i agree with everyone and on what has happened but it's happened and jess you won't eva be a scratch bowler....
keep smileing
love Trace...
don't player hate just congratulate....
To Everyone!
Matto,i do in some ways agree with u. but at the bottom u state that we should stop bagging others, perhaps u should all leave me alone!! it this was not done in the frist place i would not be on here trying to defend myself!! Just answer this for me? y r u all being mean and nasty to me? i am not a tournament director, i have no say in weather i should be reaveraged!! on entry forms we r asked to state our average as of a date, thats wot i do, always did and i always will!! i dont belive my self to be a sandbagger. sure my concentration level needs to inprove while in league. so i do have a higher average, but to me league is fun!! and tournaments is where i bowl better due to more concentration.With the frist roll off coming up soon, i would like this to be cleared up and go in to compeating for a place to rep our state as a whole, this needs to be done so we can all bowl better in cannon hill. (as a team)As a reply to Tam, i would like to apologise i got my words mixed up, i am sure u bowled well, wot i ment to say was u where the lowest ova ur average.i donno where this hate started tam, but i would like to know. coz i wanna try my best to clear this up wif u in particluar.
well thats it from me for now!
Later, Jess!
U should no that i was talking about the handicaped team not the open!! i no u bowled well and only just missed out, on many things witch u did diserved and bowled well to be able to get there!! but how dare u say i will neva be a scratch bowler?? sure i wont be one tommorow or by the end of the year, but i am hoping to be up there one day wif u, matty, carly and all the other great bowlers, who untill now i look up to! i donno wot i ever did to u!
just a note to everyone.
I am a once a week bowler, never in 10 years of bowling have i had private coaching, and i am only a back up bowler that could also be why i am on such a low average!!

oh Tracey, Stephen Prague said to say hi to u and ur parents!!
Thanx Jess!!
I do not know you and im sure you dont know who i am but i will say this anyway. If you state your average as at the date that the entry forms states then you are doing it right. Don't worry about what everyone else sez.

As Matt said (from what i understood from his post)your league average is the average you bowl in league, in tournies usually you should strive to bowl higher, and if you do well done.

Don't worry about what Tracey said because it was rude and uncalled for of her to say that and not to encourage her fellow Vic bowlers that could very well one day be bowling in a team with her.

Good Luck to you Jess. I hope that you do strive to excel and also make the team to bowl at Cannon. I will drop in and take a look and hopefully be able to meet you.

Remember this was about the right of a tournie director to reaverage bowlers not a place to air personal vandettors.

In regards to the topic i think the only reason for a director to reavg a bowler is if they have proper evidence that the avg stated is untrue or the bowler has to establish an avg during the tournie due to not bowling the required amount of games in a league or no league at all.

My view anyway.

Kim Barry
i would have to agree with kim 100%
i get coach by a few people and one preson who gets coach with me used to be a back up bowler did it the whole time he has bowl i think and he was recently changed to stroker and personaly i think he is doing great the first game he ever bowled as a stroker was 226 if i remember correctly so that just shows if u work hard at bowling you can do what you want. Jess maybe what you need is a coach to help you changed from back up to stroker it can be very helpfull and im sure you will do very well. If you practice and practice im 100% positive you can be up there with all the great bowlers.
anyways good luck with it and i hope u do very well!
luv shellby xoxoxoxo
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