Score comparison?? Fact or fiction??


is retired...
After looking at the scores from Cannington, I cant help but wonder why there was such a large gap for 16th place between SA CUP AND CANNINGTON CLASSIC.

200+ pins was the difference.

SA CUP 16th +22

I know there were 4 more games for qualifying in Perth, but 200+ pins... WHAT THE???

Was the same pattern put down in Adelaide??? How does the TBA CONDITIONING policy work??? Does it mean that the same amount and length of oil is on every lane at every centre EVERY tournament??

If anyone can answer these questions i would be very appreciative :D

It just seems really weird to have such a laaaaaaaaarge gap for 16th place.

Does anyone else think this is a tad weird??

THANKS guys!
mmm, environmental and physical lane conditions aside, it would be rather boring if you played on the same pattern, on the same surface, week in week out. You have to allow for some sort of variation, even different lane surfaces cause different reactions, hell even the weather has an effect. As far as i understand it, it works by giving you a set of minimum guidelines, it doesnt specifically say every center has to be a 40ft block.
It requires a 3 to 1 condition yes? Well the condition can vary in length and oil volume alot.

Why the scores are so much high, im guessing its a pattern that opened up much quicker.
Did the condition pass the TBA lane policy?

If it did, all the better!
Was the same pattern put down in Adelaide??? How does the TBA CONDITIONING policy work??? Does it mean that the same amount and length of oil is on every lane at every centre EVERY tournament??

No. The Policy simply states thats the maximum difference in oil from the middle of the lane to the outside of the lane can not exceed 3:1. For example you can have 15 units of oil in the middle, with a minimum of 5 on the outside, or you can have 150 units of oil in the middle, with a minimim of 50 on the outside. This doesn't mean that you can't have 20 units in the middle and 10 on the outside (which would be a ratio of 2:1), Just as long as the ratio does not exceed 3:1, eg 50 units in the middle and 10 on the outside, a 5:1 ratio.

From this limitations, as micky_macca said, oil length and volume on the lane can differ in every tournament.

Later Da Cowman!
thanks cowman, a very understandable answer! appreciated. if only everything had a simple answer like you gave me. luv ya work!

i guess the condition must have opened up alot, but is this really a TRUE indication of what bowlers are really able to achieve??? i mean, what ever happened to the 'house condition' and struggling to cut with a 180+ average..... its great to see high scores, but as a spectator at events i think its boring and would much rather see people have to think about every shot and be alot more accurate than just throw it around 5 board and turn around and walk back coz you sure as hell know that its gonna hit the pocket just gotta make sure it carries... as a tournament player myself, i like having an area dont get me wrong, but why make it so easy?????

maybe this is why locals that dont average 200+ in leagues dont bowl these bigger tournys when they are town as they know they are bowling with the 'big boys n girls' so to speak and arent confident they will throw a 220+ average??!!!? any thoughts??? this could also explain why this weekends womens adelaide cup entries are down.. everyone should be bowling... NO CARA!! just kidding.... but really, where are all the locals that have the opportunity to bowl with Australias best female bowlers????? we all have to start somewhere dont we..

anyway, enuf dribble from me. thanks again to all that answered my question, especially stephen - APPRECIATED!:D

good luck and high scoring!
martina :D:D:D
It would be really interesting to hear from some of the bowlers who competed in both SA and WA and to get their thoughts on the difference between the 2 tournies.

Insights from the people who have experienced the 2 conditions could provide the rest of us with an answer as to why there was such a huge difference in scores between the 1st and 2nd super six events.
The patterns were almost identical from a graph and volume point of view. The difference was that the outside 7 boards were drier in Perth which allowed people some room. For some reason SA the outside 7 boards were shut down, Im guessing because the machine didn't pick up the wash properly or something similar. SA was alot tighter hence the scores were lower.

Perth was a high scoring event and through the transition of oil it got easier on the left as all the lefties were playing in the same area. The righties sort of trashed each others line up which caused some over/under reactions and in a high scoring tournament you can't shoot just 200's and expect to win.

I make no excuses for myself, I made some bad decisions on where to stand after game 8 and as a result got run down. I've learnt from it and I"m sure in the same situation I would keep my lead in the future.

Well done to the tournament director and the bowl team, a well run event. A high scoring event but thats ok, a lane condition never stopped the winner winning the tournament. Well done Brenton, well deserved and to Luke Dick, awesome bowling under the gun, look forward to playing you in matchplay again soon :D
Cheers George... I'll be looking forward to playing you again soon too :D

And I think you'll be happy to know your trophy is still in safe hands over here waiting for you at Perth Cup time. hehehehe :p :twisted: :twisted:
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