Roadside testing

Drivers Now Tested for Illegal Drugs from 1 July 2006
Drug driving is a major contributor to road fatalities in South Australia. Between 2003 and 2005, over 22% of drivers or riders killed in SA tested positive to THC (the active component in cannabis) and/or methylamphetamine (speed).
New drug testing laws have been introduced by the South Australian government as part of South Australia’s Strategic Plan target to reduce road fatalities by 40% by 2010.
Under legislation based on zero tolerance, it will be an offence to drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle with THC or methylamphetamine present in your oral fluid or blood.
From 1 July 2006 police will conduct random roadside saliva tests to
detect the presence of these two illegal drugs.
The tests will not detect prescription or common over-the-counter medications such as cold and flu tablets.
Drivers and riders can be stopped at random by any uniformed police officer at any time, anywhere in South Australia, and tested for these two illegal drugs as well as alcohol.
More information about random roadside saliva testing can be found by clicking on the link below:
Good Job SA Police!!!
We need roadside testing for meth over here aswell. There were talks of it happening but at the time there was no physical test mentioned (saliva). It was going to be at the discretion of the officer that pulled you up. Dodgy if you ask me.

What are the potential penalties for being caught under the influence? Long time Jail?
Is this going to happen all around Australia? Dont know much on the effects these drugs have but if they alter the way people think and drive car maybe a good thing if people are tested.
Trouss said:
What are the potential penalties for being caught under the influence? Long time Jail?

First offence - $300 expiation fee, 3 demerit points OR Court fine not less than $500 and not more than $900 3 demerit points
(Seems a bit of a waste having this one - it's either an offence or it isn't. You don't get let off if it's your first time over the alcohol limit)

Second offence - Court fine not less than $700 and not more than $1,200, 3
demerit points, Court imposed licence disqualification - not less than 6 months

Third offence - Court fine not less than $1,100 and not more than $1,800, 3 demerit points, Court imposed licence disqualification - not less than 12 months

Subsequent offences - Court fine not less than $1,100 and not more than $1,800, 3 demerit points, Court imposed licence disqualification - not less than 2 years


First Offence - Court fine not less than $500 and not more than $900, 6 demerit points, Court imposed licence disqualification - not less than 6 months

Subsequent offences - Court fine not less than $1,100 and not more than $1,800, 6 demerit points, Court imposed licence disqualification - not less than 2 years
I do not advocate drugs and driving though admit I have been a "bloody idiot" in the past (don't do it kiddies!). However, does not trace levels of THC stay in the system for days/months? whereas alcohol dissipates "quickly"? So eventhough you may not be "under the influence" at the time, you can still be in a lot of trouble for the use of illicit drugs you consumed two months ago? what is next? walkby drug testing on the streets? Hell, let's just put everyone in jail now because everyone has done "something" illegal in the past!
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